Women short-changed when it comes to life insurance
Women short-changed when it comes to life insurance - September is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), and here is an example of the reasons which that consumer awareness campaign is so important. A recent MetLife study found that many women who work may be short-changing themselves and their families regarding their coverage of life insurance. According to the study, four out of five employees today believe their life insurance coverage is adequate, but 45% of working women and 28% of working men with life insurance have not evaluated their needs since obtaining their first policy. This can leave them and their families financially vulnerable in the event of premature death.
Working women with life insurance are also nearly twice as likely as men (21% against 12%) acknowledge that they do not know how much coverage they have and are also more likely to underestimate how much coverage they need. The study indicates that a good starting point for a life insurance coverage is generally the outstanding debt plus five years of salary. However, 54% of women and 47% of men believe coverage equal to their debt as well as three years' salary or less will suffice. While only one in four men or women considered debt when calculating their life insurance needs, 52% want their death benefit to cover these obligations.
I think the good life insurance number should be a minimum of 10 times income and could be much higher based on the family and economic conditions. Calculators, the LIFE Foundation Life Insurance Needs Calculator and Calculator-value human life can help you determine the exact amount of your situation and lifestyle.
The study also pointed out that men and women have different desires for what they want their insurance policies to cover. Almost three quarters (73%) of married men say their # 1 waiting for their coverage of life insurance is to pay for future living expenses for their spouse, compared with 47% of married women. For married women, the # 1 is waiting to cover their final expenses (69% against 55% of married men). However, men and married women express nearly identical levels of interest in protecting the financial future of their children.
"It is so important to be an educated consumer regarding the development of a sound financial plan. Not only women should consider life insurance coverage on themselves to protect loved ones but also encourage spouses or partners to have coverage as well. otherwise, the sudden loss of vital income may have a negative long-term impact for the survivor and retired, "says Cindy Hounsell, President of the women's Institute for a secure retirement.
Over a quarter of respondents to the study were unfamiliar with the basic features of their own life insurance policies. for example, 24% of employees who say they have term life insurance believe that this coverage provides financial protection for an unlimited period. in fact, term insurance provides financial protection for a defined period of time, such as 10, 15 or 20 years, or if provided through an employer group policy maintained for the duration of employment. At the end of these periods, the long-term coverage can be continued, but usually with much higher premiums. In addition, 28% of employees with permanent life insurance are unaware that permanent life insurance can create the cash value as they pay their premiums. the permanent life insurance policies can be used to accumulate, protect and transfer wealth.
Employees may also not be leveraging life insurance as effectively as they could to meet their needs. About a third of employees with coverage do not realize that life insurance, in addition to providing a death benefit, can be a strategic method to supplement retirement benefits and assistance in estate planning.
Consumer education is that the LIFE Foundation is all about. Use our resources to help you make informed decisions about life insurance to protect you and your family.
Why I am grateful for the early detection and assurance
Why I am grateful for the early detection and assurance -"Are you sitting down?" It was my mother on the other end of the phone. It is, I sit, something I do a lot of, given the fact that I am in the second trimester of my second pregnancy. "Yeah mom, what's up?" I use that precipitated the tone impatient with it, the very one that I hear (and hate) from my own children. That's when she dropped the bomb. "I have breast cancer."
These words have stolen my breath. My mother? By no means! It was healthy, vibrant and strong. Besides, she had no family history . Certainly, it was a mistake made My mother was one of the 0,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer in this country every year I am thankful that she was intelligent and vigilant;... her cancer was found on a mammogram and it was very small. she chose a lumpectomy and radiation and has been cancer for nearly 14 years.
His fight with breast cancer came years after my father fought against the disease, too. Yes, men can and breast cancer, but not in the numbers women do. He underwent a modified radical mastectomy since his cancer was more aggressive.
after the diagnosis of my mother, I began a heavy routine screening because the breast surgeon twice a year, a mammogram and ultrasound once a year and conscientiously do the self-examination chest. But in 03, my mammograms started to show suspicious white spots, and because of my family history, every new development should be biopsied. Four biopsies in four years (all on the same breast, in the same place) and my chest were tired and sort of collapsed. I too began to speak to my breast surgeon to take a more proactive position instead of waiting until I cancer, trying to completely avoid and possibly correct some of the damage caused by all biopsies. We decided the best option for me would be a double preventive mastectomy.
In January 07, I was on the table at Memorial Sloan Kettering have my breasts removed in a five and half hour procedure which was filmed by Oprah Winfrey. I returned two months later for a day procedure to exchange the temporary implants for my permanent.
I think back to that time as a crash course on the life lessons for me. I learned a lot about breast cancer; Did you know the family history is not the biggest risk factor? True, only about 10% of cases have a genetic link. Remember, there was no history in my family before my parents were diagnosed. The biggest risk factor for breast cancer is being a woman aging. Period.
A battle with a serious illness can take as much of a toll on your family finances as it can on your health. When you are sick, you need to focus on getting well without worrying about paying bills or if you siphon off the funds for the future of your family, making me grateful for the right insurance I had health.
A serious illness can also rethink your financial future. My husband and I always made sure that we have achieved adequate coverage of life insurance. Life insurance is one of those things that you can deal with "the line." You really need to think of her as a shield. A critical about it.
Thus, since October is awareness month for breast cancer, as well as thinking about your health, how about taking a moment for a life insurance check-up? Do you have enough coverage? What does your family need if something happened to you? What should you do now, while you're healthy, to preserve the future? Check out this post by breast cancer survivor and Vlasta Duffy insurance agent, which has tips on what you should consider. It could save you a lifetime of worry. I can not think of a reason not to do it, can you?
What to do now to be ready for tomorrow's reality there
What to do now to be ready for tomorrow's reality there -generations, it was recognized that older parents would be supported by their adult children, women (aka "housewives") handle most of the physical and emotional burden. It was also a time when the siblings and members of the extended family lived nearby, ready to intervene if necessary.
But times have changed, and families are rarely in the same state, let alone the same ZIP code. and women, although stil t carrying most of the burden of caregiving (66 % according Caregiving in the US), in many cases are also used outside the home.
Add to that the rising cost of assistance provided by professionals (estimated at $ 43,000 to 70,000 $ annually for eight hours a day for health care alone) and it is no surprise that the cost of providing care can keep both neat and caregiver to sleep at night.
According to an AARP study, about 42 million people in the US have provided care for an adult family member at some point. But this unpaid support is a cost - physical, emotional and financial. For example:
- Studies show that caregivers females are more likely than men to suffer from high stress due to caregiving (35% against 25%)
- 70% of working caregivers. suffer from difficulties at work because of their dual role of caregiving.
- 23% of caregivers have been providing care for five years or more say their health is fair or poor.
- 12% percent of caregivers reduce work hours or took a less demanding job, while 9% gave up work altogether, compared to 3% who took early retirement.
If you plan to provide care of a parent in the course of the future or if you want to avoid being a burden on other family members, there are steps you can take.
Learn the facts about long-term care. LTC fall into three categories: men, middle and caretaker. These types of services and procedures are generally not covered by medical insurance of a person, but would be paid under a long-term care insurance policy.
Skilled care (generally provided by nurses or professional therapists) helps you recover from a serious illness or injury with treatments or daily therapy. intermediate care is similar, but not necessary on a daily basis. custodial care, however, does not focus on recovery, but to provide assistance with daily activities: bathing, eating, dressing and other personal and medical care, and can range from home care provided two or three days a week , 24-hour nursing care.
Discuss your financial situation with a counselor. If you can afford the cost of long term care without significant impact on your assets, you can choose to cancel the purchase of coverage. And for those with assets (excluding your home) of less than $ 80,000 if you are married or $ 30,000 if you are single, you may not be able to pay the premiums.
If you fall somewhere in between, the assurance of long-term care could be money well spent, protecting your economic health while covering the cost of treatment for your wellbeing physical.
Consider long-term care insurance purchase. Here are two numbers to note: 70% and 40%. According to statistics, there are 70% chances that you will need some type of long-term care after 65 years: at home or in a nursing home. And if you think something you only need to worry about once you hit your "golden years," that 40 percent of patients receiving long term care are age 65 or at the following an accident or because of a debilitating disease.
for example, property management Barry Shore was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome at age 55, and after a year, was still unable to walk or work. Fortunately, her care insurance long term more than covered its home care, and the other not covered by their medical insurance treatment. Here you can see its history.
Keep in mind that the premiums of the policy are the younger you are when you purchase coverage, and generally do not increase with age, unless an insurance company raises for a guaranteed class.
For more information, see the long-term care insurance section on the LIFE website. Then discuss your options with your insurance advisor.
8 tips to save money and your sanity During Open Enrollment
8 tips to save money and your sanity During Open Enrollment - During registration open at work, we are faced with the often confusing task evaluate options benefit of our employers offer. Often, these benefits can change from year to year, which complicates things even more. While you might be tempted to simply let your selections from previous performances "roll over," it is essential to take the time to examine and understand what is offered and make the necessary updates to your insurance and other plan selections to meet the changes that you have or will have in your life.
according to a recent survey by LIFE and LIMRA, among the top financial concerns of Americans today
- having enough money for a comfortable retirement
- to pay for medical expenses
- be able to take over in case of disability and unable to work
Open enrollment gives you the perfect opportunity to review your financial plans and insurance to ensure that you have a base in place to help prepare these types of potential expenditures. These eight tips will give you a hand:
1. Choose your options carefully. Unless a major life change, such as marriage, divorce or birth of a child, most benefit plans do not allow to make changes to your coverage of elections more once a year during open enrollment season. Be sure to consider your options carefully plan so that the choices you make to meet your current needs.
2. Do not assume that doing nothing to maintain your status quo. Allow your benefit options just roll from one year to another may seem like an easy decision when you are faced with many choices open enrollment. But do not take the initiative to evaluate new or changing options could mean missed on plans that could save you money and could leave you in a program that no longer meets your needs.
3. Consider a high deductible health plan. Review your health plan options to see if your employer offers a high deductible health plan. These plans can be cheaper if you do not plan to use your coverage often. However, you'll want to take money from your lower premiums and save. If you incur medical expenses, you may need the money to pay for them because you have to pay a larger deductible front. If you do not have high medical expenses, you will have saved money.
4. Find cost effective ways to enhance your life and / or disability insurance. Many companies offer their employees group life and disability insurance. Sometimes employers will provide a basic benefit life insurance or disability, at no cost to their employees. They can also offer an option for complete coverage through voluntary payroll deduction. It is important to consider the options available to maximize the opportunities where you might be able to increase the coverage of a cost effective manner.
5. Re-evaluate the amount of insurance coverage you need. If you have recently had a child or been married or divorced, it is important to update your insurance policies to reflect the changes of life. When the number of people who depend on you changes, it is likely that your health insurance coverage, life and disability will also change. The LIFE website offers several calculators, including a life insurance needs calculator and disability insurance needs calculator to help you determine how much coverage you should have.
6. Make sure your beneficiary information is up to date. Marriages, divorces, births or adoptions can often be overlooked when people review their policies and designated beneficiaries for things like life insurance or (k) account 401. You want to be sure your information beneficiary is updated based on your current life situation to avoid any confusion or potential problems during the claims process.
7. Calculate your medical expenses out of pocket. As the costs of health care continue to rise, it is important to consider taking advantage of a flexible spending account (FSA) or health account the backup (HSA). These types of accounts allow you to set aside a portion of your earnings before taxes to pay for eligible expenses such as co-pays doctor, prescriptions, daycare centers or even public transport and parking, depending on the type of offered account. If you currently contribute to an FSA or HSA, you can increase or decrease your premium based on your current needs.
8. Ask for help. Talk to your Human Resources representative or benefits counselor of your company about your benefit options during open enrollment. You will also need to consider your options with your spouse the benefit programs are better than others, so you may consider to be added to the plan of your spouse as a dependent or vice versa.
Extreme Makeover: Choice or Chance
Extreme Makeover: Choice or Chance -You've probably seen the before-ABC show "Extreme Makeover Home Edition :." Host Ty Pennington and his crew choose a family whose homes deteriorated, often as a result of a job loss, medical problems or death. The future of the chosen family is dark, and emotions run high with the description of lost dreams.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition by Patrishe on Flickr
with great flourish the owners, who have often been on a trip to Disneyland or another station for the week that their house had been transformed back to their farm, which is hidden behind the bus "Extreme Makeover ".
Ty With the command to "move that bus," the bus lurches forward revealing transformed the house, and with tears and gasps family races through their new corridors, discover the treasures their new home.
such was the scene a recent show featured the story of Tricia Urban, a young mother who lost her husband to heart problems, the day of their first child was born. they had an old farm in Pennsylvania and they fix their fairytale included some miniature horses, sheep, pigs and a peacock.
But when her husband died, the money to pay things off. the house went unfinished and fell into disrepair and new baby's future Cora fell into doubt
Now I love the emotion, drama and a good story as much as anyone, but the Tricia story made me think :. "I wonder how much life insurance of her husband? "I do not want to judge because maybe his heart problems prevented him from qualifying, but I thought," Gee, age, about $ 70 a month would have bought $ 1 million life insurance to help her wife and daughter still have a chance for their fairy tale. I bet it costs a lot just to feed the animals. "
And $ 1 million tax free income immediately delivered without probate, legal or accounting fees appeared to be much better bet than the hope that Ty and his crew makeover pull up in their bus and save the family when they are in trouble.
during a typical season, perhaps 13 families receive a unique gift in a life of the program. during a typical year the United States, 500,000 people die, leaving shattered lives, hospital bills, companies have failed, a lack of succession planning, illiquid investments, finished college dreams meager savings, incomplete retirement planning and a host of other financial problems those they love.
Applying the benefits of being on a TV show is taking a chance that someone will like your story. Application for insurance life to protect your family is a choice-a choice to make their fairytale continues, no matter what happens.
It's time to change your luck thought process of choice. Start here.
New 65 is 80?
New 65 is 80? - The real question is whether 80 is the new 65 by choice or by circumstance. Wells Fargo Bank has surveyed a group of Americans 20 to 70 years who earned between $ 25,000 and $ 100,000 asking questions about retirement savings and Social Security and came with some interesting information.
Three quarters of those surveyed said they expect to work into their retirement years. A quarter said they will work until at least 80 years to live comfortably in retirement, and you can be assured that this is not by choice. Given the choice, they would withdraw as soon as possible.
Nearly half (47%) of respondents said they plan to continue in the same job or a similar job responsibility. This, of course, assumes that they have the ability to continue in their same or similar jobs, the economy justifies their continued employment and their employer is willing to extend employment. And what happens if none of these options are available?
The survey found that three-quarters of Americans said it is more important to have a specific amount saved before retirement, regardless of age, while only 20% said that it is more important to retire at a given age, regardless of savings.
In terms of saving for retirement, 53% of respondents said they need to significantly cut spending now to save for retirement. Notice the word considerably. How likely are you to initiate a major change in lifestyle to achieve a target of 20 years or more in the future?
According to Wells Fargo, on average, Americans saved just 7% of their desired retirement nest egg, with a median of $ 25,000 recorded compared to a median retirement goal of $ 350,000. Americans have been saving less than what is needed for retirement and the majority do not trust the stock market as a place to invest for retirement.
On the issue of social security, there was an age gap. Those in their 60s expect Social Security to provide 46% of their retirement funding. But over 25% of people in their 20s and 30s expect no income from Social Security during their retirement.
This sounds like a very good reason to start planning now by going to an agent or adviser help navigate the options available to achieve their goals and reduce their dependence on government programs.
Fair and balanced
Fair and balanced -We can spend a lot of ink in this blog correct misinformation that appears in the popular press about life insurance, why it is important and in need . So it is refreshing to be able to link to an article that provides high information load for navigation on a topic that may indeed be complex.
Christine Dugas and Sandra Block of USA Today wrote the article "To have life insurance? Is this enough or maybe too? "In which they highlight some of the common mistakes that people make when buying life insurance. The first mistake they make up is not bold, but can be one of the most important ". Too often, parents take a quick decision, ignoring important considerations "
Taking the time to learn about your life insurance needs is important and a good place to begin your search for information seeking is the non-profit site is the foundation of life. Browse the information as needed (but not too quiet!). Also take into account the errors that this article USA Today highlights such as not buying enough life insurance, no insurance for a parent at home and relying only on life insurance you get through work.
There is . one area of the article could have been exposed to a source quoted said: "Some people buy life insurance for babies, which is useless, unless the baby is a child model which supports family." There are other reasons to buy life insurance on a child that is not based on "gain an income." The blog "Gifts of a Lifetime" gives a very simple look why you might want to consider ensure a child.
that said, this article is to get people to think about their life insurance needs and take a measured approach to get it, which is a-OK in my book.
Are you an ostrich with your head in the sand?
Are you an ostrich with your head in the sand? - The Society of Actuaries (SOA) has published a survey showing that nearly half (48%) of Americans aged 45-70 have no financial plans in place to protect against outliving their assets and the rising cost of healthcare should they live longer than expected. Other results show that more than a third are worried about retirement money missing, but the plan only 20% for the purchase of an annuity or some other form of guaranteed income for life to protect their belongings. Many baby boomers find themselves prepared to maintain their retirement lifestyle. They see the potential problem, but take no action. The survey revealed that almost three quarters (71%) of respondents plan to claim Social Security before age 70 years
The SOA said he can not stress enough the importance of having a plan in place that addresses all the specific risks may face in retirement, such as spending available assets too soon, meeting financial care needs, paying for rising costs of healthcare and adjusting financially to the loss of a spouse.
The SOA survey found that 75% of Americans ages 45-70 protect their tangible assets, such as their homes through home or renter's insurance; However, the plan 19% to ensure the extra costs of disability and welfare by purchasing long-term care insurance. These results reinforce my belief in the importance of working with professional agents and financial advisors who can guide people in their decision making. Many people are not aware of these problems until their agent or consultant educates their needs and affordable solutions to problems.
Act now while your health is good and the price tag for solving your planning problems is reasonable.
Get your spouse to the table (and I'm not talking about the dining room kind)
Get your spouse to the table (and I'm not talking about the dining room kind) -Like many financial professionals, I want couples to be at the table financial planning together. But the reality is one of the spouses is often the driver for financial matters in the relationship. And often, time and timing challenges make it easier to rely on "catch-up conversations," which can not end up happening.
Talking about financial issues and what might happen if a loved one dies is difficult. But even more difficult is what could happen if you do not. A client of mine remembers asking her husband one night what to do if he is dead. "It was just a passing conversation. Like, 'Do I pay the mortgage?" She said. "We never sat down and had a great conversation. I knew we had life insurance, but I do not know what to do with it. "
When her husband died in 08, she was still not sure what to do.
" I realize too late that I am involved in the planning, "my client said." you do not think it will happen when your husband is 49 ".
I see as part of my role to help change that. But couples should not expect a financial advisor to start doing the work. You can:
- Get the conversation takes the road and discuss what you want if the unfortunate were to happen
- Use free tools like Value Calculator life human LIFE Foundation. or their life insurance needs calculator to estimate of your needs.
- Stay cool on financial matters of the family by creating an action plan and meet monthly.
When everyone is informed, it can make a big difference during a very difficult time in anyone's life.
Peter Lewis, CHFC, owns the Lewis Group, a subsidiary of General Agency Life Insurance Company Massachusetts, Sapient Financial. You can contact him at peterlewis@finsvcs.com
Women are not as confident
Women are not as confident - Wells Fargo recently released their sixth annual retirement survey, and according to this study, women still lag in saving for retirement. The survey focused on women of the middle class in their mid 20s to those who are already retired and in their 60s
- Just 54% of women said they are "confident" they will have enough saved to "live the life they want" in retirement, compared to 62% of men.
- Although both men and women are underfunded for retirement, women have saved less than men. women also set their sights lower than men's. When asked how they thought they would need to sustain for retirement, women said they aimed a median of $ 0,000, whereas men predict they will need retirement savings of $ 400,000.
- Nearly 30% of women between the ages of 40 and 69 are "not sure or can not estimate" how much they will have to withdraw their retirement savings each year while in retirement, and about 32% of women in their 40s and 50s feel they will remove 11% to 30% or more every year, not exactly a realistic number or viable on their life.
- In all age groups, women are much less likely to qualify as a financial decision maker "primary" than men (35% against 55% of men). Among married women, 83% say they are the joint financial decision maker, while 58% of married men say they are a joint decision maker.
- Only 27% of women have confidence in the stock market as a place for investment gains for their savings, against 40% of men. If given $ 5,000 to the instruction that it be "put away for your retirement," 40% of women say they buy bank CDs instead of putting money in the market, against 30% percent men.
According to Wells Fargo, women hold more than half of the high-paying management and professional positions in the US and three women are in college for two men. But when he comes to retirement, they lag in their confidence about how to prepare for this phase in life and are less likely to be in the driver's seat.
and these are only some of the why men and women should consider working with agents and professional advisors. Use the LIFE agent locator to find someone to help you.
In an Instant-
In an Instant- - Washed AwayWatching the news on the events unfolding in Japan was disturbing. The damage left by the earthquake in Japan, as well as images quite incredible tsunami of whole towns and villages literally sweep in an instant-these present events lasting mental pictures to me. Houses, cars and people also have literally been washed away in an instant. The damage and destruction will take years to clean up and rebuild. Some people may never recover.
Close your eyes for a moment and turn this mental image damage tsunami / earthquake in a picture of what happens to a family or a business when the breadwinner dies unexpectedly or becomes disabled . A family or a company sees the foundation of washing by sudden death or a persistent disability. Where stable ground once existed, now there is a gaping hole. The breadwinner is either "disappeared" or foundation of the family (income) is so damaged that the household and its contents now sitting on a very fragile layer of debt, tension and emotional and financial instability mounting.
He does not have to be that way.
The life insurance and disability insurance can magically and instantly help replace a washed financial basis or be "reinforcement" for the surviving family members and associates key business. Money can certainly never solve emotional problems associated with premature death and disability, but it can buy time and stability for those left to deal with a foundation "washed".
The events in Japan remind me of the devastation the Americans have lived in our own country, such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. My heart aches for Japanese citizens who are in a complete daze and whose dreams, futures and memories were literally washed away.
Although earthquakes and tsunamis can occur, often with catastrophic results, the scenario is much more probable sudden death or disability of a loved here. Make sure you have sufficient quantities of life and disability insurance so that you and your family will not risk your capital base is washed away.
(If you want to help the victims of this disaster, click here.)
Loss does not have to mean Desperation
Loss does not have to mean Desperation -I just finished judging over 40 of the nearly 1,500 total requests that the LIFE Foundation received this year from college age children requesting more than $ 100,000 scholarship fund.
Each year, LIFE is seeking applications for the scholarship program of its life lesson. The applicants submitted stories about how one or both parents have died without life insurance in place (or not enough life insurance).
The judgment is absolutely gut. Each story is unique and emotional, but they all contain basic components:
- broken families
- refused dreams
- inability to stay in the family home
- surviving parents who take more than one job to make ends meet
- siblings are often split up to live with the family
- on trust and good neighbors family to support
- realization that after the funeral is over, the lives of everyone continues
- sometimes there dependency and pain in other family members
- children having to work too early in life to help support their families
- missing children to "grow up" and normal school activities
- sudden changes in Plans
- relocation to other cities to be near the family
- grandparents, aunts and uncles being placed in positions they were not looking
- children, saying, "If my mom or dad had known the problem that it caused"
- realization that life will never be what they had hoped for and dreamed
- children saying "I will never leave my family is this type of situation."
- children, saying, "If only one agent had told my mom or dad into buying life insurance."
- the burden of long-term debt due loan origination students
He does not have to be that way. While life is glad to be able to give some of these deserving children an opportunity with financial support, it would be much better if there were no children who needed the help of LIFE .
The bottom line is that if you have someone who depends on you financially, and you have too little or no life insurance, you need to do something now. Not later. Now. You can start by knowing how much life insurance you may need with LIFE easy to use life insurance needs calculator.
You can also help these deserving children by making a donation to the scholarship fund life lessons here.
No disability insurance coverage? Have you considered a runner?
No disability insurance coverage? Have you considered a runner? -Disability insurance is a key element of the financial plan of an individual, and provides valuable coverage to guard against the risk of losing their income due to illness or injury.
Since a long-term disability can ruin the financial health of a person, it would be logical that everyone has coverage. However, less than a third of workers in the private sector have a long-term disability insurance through work, according to the US Department of Labor.
While those who do not have it through work (or enough of it) should be covering the risk of an individual disability insurance policy they buy themselves, many are disabled by the high price tag that often comes with it. Consequently, they put themselves in a dangerous position which could have serious financial consequences for them and their families.
There are alternatives to get coverage that do not involve buying an individual disability insurance policy. Disability income "rider" is an approach you can take to guard against the possibility of incurring a financial tragedy. These drivers are usually sold as an attachment to an individual life insurance plan.
Obtaining a life insurance policy with a disability rider is quite simple. First, since not all life insurance plans offer this feature, you'll need to find a company that does. After application of the cover, the process of life insurance underwriting is generally used as a starting point to determine whether or not you are eligible for additional disability insurance. In addition to life insurance issues, the company can get back to you with additional questions to screen you for the disability rider as well.
After the underwriting process is complete, you are usually either approved or denied coverage because there is usually no type of rating scale as it is with traditional life insurance . disability insurance riders are generally attractive because of the fact that they are cheaper than most individual disability policies. In addition, the insured can kill two birds with one stone instead of having two separate policies with different billing cycles
But please keep in mind this important fact :. The coverage of disability driver tends to be much more limited than it would be if you were to buy an individual disability insurance policy. Most life insurance companies that have these runners do offer benefits up to $ 3,000 per month, and coverage only lasts 2-3 years. Therefore, this type of policy is usually a great resource for disability insurance if you have not, but really does not protect against a prolonged disability situation.
William Rowan is the founder of eTermLifeInsurance .net, a website oriented term consumer education for life insurance and comparison. His only goal is for consumers to find the best life insurance policy for their individual situation .
Dad, you do not know? I do what MY will!
Dad, you do not know? I do what MY will! -
I had lunch with one of my best friends yesterday. We discussed how quickly our children grow. He and his wife had just returned from attending the graduation of their eldest son. As he spoke to me of the pleasure of the graduation process and selfishness that is so apparent in young, he laughed and shared a cute story ...
When their son was only 2 years, my boyfriend was himself also to correct most 2 years must be addressed. My friend had told her son several times to stop doing something that was dangerous. Having said four or five times, the boy quietly went to his dad put his young hands on each side of Dad's face and said with all the sincerity he could muster, "Dad, you do not know? My do what mY will! "
this story was told time and time to the family of my friend. While they raised two more children, the story served as a constant reminder that while kids may think the world revolves around them and allows them to do whatever they want, we as parents and adults do not really know what is best for our children and our family ...
it gives me this visual image of my own family, or for that matter, the whole family grow together :. parents struggling to raise children the right way and children struggling to understand why mom and dad have to make difficult decisions, but looking at the way the mother and working hard daddy predict and feed their families . It's not until children are much older than they really understand the sacrifices and selflessness that parents must invest to keep the family safe and on the road to maturity.
A key element of this sacrifice is financial security. I'm not going on my soap box, but as you have this mental image in your mind of your family, or for that matter, the whole family, a pause for a minute to consider what happens if mom or dad should die while the children are young. Happiness and financial security become much less certain. The remaining parent has to double the effort of the family with little time to themselves to grieve and mourn the loss of a spouse.
Life insurance, if purchased before, can not help with the emotional side of the loss, but you can help to ensure security, peace of mind, time to adjust and that funds for education, housing and other expenses related to the loss of income of the deceased parent
Think of this way. If parents were to take the same approach selfish "MY do what I want," the family unit would be much less stable. Fortunately, many parents take this decision ... life insurance just in case.
Have you?
10 is the magic number for retirement?
10 is the magic number for retirement? -
According to Lincoln Financial Group study, the ratio 10 times income assets is a guide that can help people determine how they can be better prepared retired. In other words, if you earn $ 100,000 per year, you need a $ million in assets to retire comfortably. Understand that this is a guide, not a definitive report.
This seems too low for me, as a withdrawal rate of 10% with a long-term compensation rate of 5% over the $ 1,000,000 will last 15 years. Either you need more assets, a lower withdrawal rate or a higher rate of return. Maybe you'll need a combination of three to last 30 years or more, you can expect to live in retirement.
For example, if you reduce the down 6% with a conservative long-term rate of 4% return, $ 1,000,000 last 29 years. Can you live on $ 60,000 a year instead of $ 100,000? Otherwise, the relationship must change. The increase in long-term rate of return of 5% makes the final funding for 37 years. Taking 8%, or $ 80,000 per year while earning 5% will make you short of money in 21 years.
How long do you plan to live in retirement? Each person must determine their own personal relationship, and one of the easiest ways to do this is to work with a financial professional. Remember, the Lincoln Financial is a study guide to get started.
The study identified four behaviors that contribute to retirement success. The behaviors that lead to better outcomes are:
- Getting advice from a financial professional
- The member of a pension plan sponsored by the employer or IRA
- steadily Recording, and make additional contributions over the years, "energy saving"
- Have an investment strategy
research has also identified three retired behaviors that have reached the target of 10 times not to rely on. These behaviors are:
- Receiving an inheritance. This may or may not occur.
- The sale of a principal residence or earn money through real estate. Have you looked at the real estate market today?
- The sale of a business or shares in the company shares of the former employer. Again, it depends on market conditions and timing.
If these are your most important asset, what would happen if you need to turn these assets into income at a time when the market is down?
The study reinforces the recommendations of Lincoln for the actions that lead to better pension outcomes.
- The advice of a financial professional
- Participate in workplace pension plans (and IRA)
- Back up and "energy saving "wherever possible
- Have an investment strategy
Finally, do not rely on manna as an inheritance, or the product of the company selling shares, a company or your home. For more information on Lincoln Financial Life Retirement feeding studies courses, go to www.myconfidentfuture.com/retirementpower.
The elite schools (and their high tuition fees) overrated? Yep!
The elite schools (and their high tuition fees) overrated? Yep! - Parents certainly do not want to deprive their children of the chance to succeed. This feeling, this need seems particularly acute in this day and age of economic struggle, the middle class being squeezed into oblivion. At the approach of August, a number of my fellow parents face large tuition bills college for their children, some paid by fear (I suspect) that to do otherwise jeopardize the future of their children. But I know they do not pay tuition bills only 529 well-funded plans. So where is this money coming from? Their future.
This brings me to a question I asked myself for a long time: Is education "Ivy League", a degree from a prestigious university really worth it? (This from a graduate of a public university.) Parents should be risking their own financial future to pay the bill (or a partial invoice) for these educations "elite"? Is a degree from a high-ranking school higher earnings equal (ie, a better future) for a child?
According to Alan Krueger, professor of economics at (ironically) Princeton University, the answer seems to be no. In "The elite schools are overrated," in the June issue of Money magazine, Krueger and Stacy Dale colleague say they have collected data from more than 26,000 students from two dozen schools (y including schools such as Penn State and Yale), and the bottom line was: "during their career, students who chose not to attend the most selective schools to which they were admitted earned about as much as those who have similar qualities and results of tests that went to the highest rank they got to college. "
advice Krueger was present," ... if you have a child to apply to university, ignoring the different rankings. "
maybe we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief Think about how these economies will" buy "in terms of a more secure retirement Children may actually come out ahead.. They get a college education [ and will not have to worry about without retirement funds relatives traveling with them later and to the extent that the prestige name, a parent, I know had this to say: "Take a Sweat- shirt at the Harvard bookstore. "
Come Join the big to the responsible thing and get a life insurance
Come Join the big to the responsible thing and get a life insurance -
We all like to be recognized for doing the responsible thing. I know I proudly wear the stickers to let people know "I voted today" or "Be Nice to Me, I Gave Blood Today." But where is the sticker for "I protected my family with life insurance?" Life insurance is one of those things that rarely gets recognized or rewarded yet it is one of the most responsible and loving things you can do for your family.
This is why we decided to create the Ensure Your Love Photo Mosaic . Presented as a new application on the Facebook fan page of LIFE, we encourage people to upload pictures of their relatives whose financial well-being is guaranteed in life insurance. It is an opportunity to highlight the important decision they made while linking to this great community of people who have done the same, the responsible choice.
I know that when I bought life insurance for my family, I felt really good about the decision. He continues to give me peace of mind knowing that my wife would be protected if something ever happened to me. That's why one of the photos I uploaded to the mosaic offers us the day of our wedding. After adding I used Facebook and Twitter App sharing options for my friends and family can see in the mosaic. He also gave me a chance to encourage them to contribute their own photos or thinking about getting life insurance if they do not.
Our hope is that eventually the mosaic will feature thousands of photos of families and individuals whose financial well-being is guaranteed in life insurance. And for each photo that gets uploaded to the mosaic, LIFE will donate $ 1 to the scholarship program life lessons, a fund that provides tuition assistance to students who have lost a parent or guardian and struggle to achieve their dream of a college education.
So, if you have life insurance, come and be part of "the bigger picture" by uploading your favorite photos (up to 20) to Ensure Your Love Photo Mosaic . If you are not yet decided to cover up, then I encourage you to take a tour of the pictures on display. They are the perfect reflection of what life insurance is intended to do - protect those we love and give us peace of mind to enjoy all the wonderful moments of life
The Ensure Your Love Photo Mosaic can be accessed directly on our Facebook page and on our website.
The intangible becomes tangible gift
The intangible becomes tangible gift - I am pleased to present our 7 years Madisyn Grace. She is compassionate, happy, and for an athlete to the theater one day. She had me, her mother, to comfort, teach, take care of it and love it completely. She has no father. Two weeks before he was born, my husband, Mark, was killed by someone who ran a red light.
Mark was a bold, handsome and brilliant. He prepared our financial lives in the event of his absence. What if we had waited to buy a life insurance after Madisyn was born? Our lives would be completely different. I should have gone right to work, leaving the newborn, and perhaps out of our house. Life was hard enough at that time, the love of my life, the one I most needed, is now gone! In an instant! No warning! (You can see the video of our story here.)
Thanks to life insurance, I was able to focus on raising my daughter while managing our grief. Life insurance in no way removes the deep emotional pain, but it helps you manage your daily life. When the loss occurs, your vision is blurred, small tasks seem huge and thoughts to get up the next day and continue with your routine no longer exist. With the gift of life insurance, you can focus on managing the physical loss and not financial. His father was gone physically, but we were able to manage financially because he had the foresight to protect us in his absence. This intangible gift of life insurance now became tangible :. Life
It was now my turn to lead our family on a new path. We need to focus on love and not the loss. We show everybody that, in receiving the life insurance that we could make a difference in this world. We would take the Mark token of love and share our gratitude for this gift that gave us a great start to our life rediscovered.
The gift of life insurance went way beyond us be able to stay in our own house and protect the future of our daughter. We were able to start the Mark Wandall Foundation. We were able to create the Coalition Running STOP Red Light, which has allowed us to move the draft bailout bill "The Road Safety Act Mark Wandall." And we were able to build a business, M3 Concepts motivation scored by Grace with an authentic approach to educate, encourage and empower.
not wait! Show your family how much you love them. please, do not let your family empty handed. the loss is quite difficult to manage without the financial burden. Mark "paid back" in a great way. Its intangible gift has not only affected our lives in a beautiful way, but our community, state and nation as well.
life will always be the case and still be the right move, the bad and the down right tragic. Why not prepare?
Being an owner (Parent) is more than just
Being an owner (Parent) is more than just - Playing HouseLast month, my husband and I realized a long dream of life: We bought our own house. (We are a toast to our new house in this picture.) It has everything we wanted-rooms for our daughter and unborn baby, office space and a magnificent kitchen. The unpacking process, decoration and make this house a home been so fun. Even my husband got into the act and found his interior decorator!
This week I open the mail to find our first mortgage payment stub. With it came the insurance bill for our owner. Hello, reality! Owning a home is more than just play house. I sat at my desk with the bills and looked down to my daughter playing on the floor next to me. Does it feels like to be growing up?
After paying the bills, I joined my daughter on the floor and played with it. As we have stacked the blocks, I felt proud that I am able to provide a safe and comfortable place to live and grow. But I suddenly was overwhelmed by a sense of panic. What would it happen if something happened to me or my husband? Which would provide for her?
I had went online and discovered that many people who buy homes also get life insurance. This surprised me. Life insurance has always seemed like something only for people with big salaries and big families-not your average family like mine, but I soon realized that was not the case at all. Responsible, people-forward had life insurance. I want to be responsible and forward thinking!
Yesterday my husband and I started the life insurance research process. Now we can feel safe, knowing that we would never get anything, our daughter will be scheduled. I'm really an adult!
Evaluate your day life? Yep, and here's an Easy Start
Evaluate your day life? Yep, and here's an Easy Start -Today is your day Assess life ... interesting, because most of us to assess or reassess the "things "1 January or our birthdays. But, alas, there are still areas in our lives, we can improve and make better decisions about. Most of the changes we know we need to focus on our work, health and finances. Here are some questions to get you thinking:
Is your work / family life balance We know that technology has tied us to work and "extracurriculars" resumed our free time? . The Mayo Clinic has a nice post called Tips to regain control, which focuses on creating a better balance work and home. There are a dozen tips but that resonated with me was simple, but difficult to do at times: Learn to say no. As the article says, "Whether a colleague asking you to take an additional teacher or your child asks you project manage the class game, remember it is okay to respectfully say no."
is your exercise routine on track? Notice I'm not saying health. I think most of us admit that we do not get as much exercise we should, and if we did, our health would be better I think Michelle Obama is on to something with its Move campaign Let exercise does not have to be complicated;.. it can be as simple that get off the couch and walk around every day. Or, as the First Lady said, when in doubt, simply "turn on the music and dance until you sweat."
have you your financial priorities in order? It appears that (almost) everyone has felt the financial pressure in the current economic climate. People are coming up with creative ways to make their money go further; check these. budgets tighter households can also mean cutting back. Choosing a cell phone plan cheaper and dining room, instead of, sense. But be careful what you consider as a luxury or a necessity in cutting spending. Cable? Luxury. Life insurance? Need. If you are not convinced, read this.
Simplify? ... Simplify! An underlying theme of these articles and messages appears to be setting priorities. What is really important for you? Focus on that and leave the rest. Leo Babauta wrote the great blog Zen Habits (which has more than 250 million readers!). It has a great list of 72 ideas to make your life
But as we contemplate this change Evaluate your day life, I love the quote Babauta emphasized by Thich Nhat Hanh :. "Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the earth world revolves slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment.". .. The time for me to brew some tea.
Are you just pay Lip Service?
Are you just pay Lip Service? -In these rocky economic times, business owners must make tough decisions to keep their businesses healthy and, hopefully, growing. Often, when it comes to budget cuts and tightening of the belt, the first thing to go or cut back are benefits.
I challenge you to think differently.
Many companies say they value their employees, but they do not follow this declaration. If If employees do not think you care about them, they care about you. In our business, we say that our people are our most important asset, and a way to show that is by providing our employees a set of generous benefits. It is a win-win. Great benefits help us attract employees who are there for the long term and keep them happy and engaged. . Happy, healthy employees are better for our company
This is part of what we offer:
- 85% of health insurance premiums paid by employers for employees and dependents
- 401 (k) plan with 100% employer match up to 3% of salary, then 50% up to 2% of the following compensation; postponement of the average employee 8.9%
- 100% employer-paid premiums for short and long term disability insurance
- 100% of the premiums paid by employer for the insurance of long-term care
now you can say, "well, we just do not have the money to do" this may be true, or can. -being a case of mistaken investment. with regard to budget time, you invest in a new roof for your building or hiring a new vendor? or are you making a direct investment in your employees making sure they have the advantages they need to stay healthy physically and financially and happy?
the key is to understand what your employees really want. Surprisingly, many times it is not more money. While people are certainly motivated by money, you can actually get a better return on your dollar by putting money toward generous benefits instead of raises. A great benefits package allows you to attract a higher level of talent and gain a greater commitment while they are at work. We also ensure that we remind employees that they have a rich benefits package, so they do not take for granted.
Altruism? ? Or better for the bottom line
We also offer something that many other companies do not: long-term care insurance benefits. We found the long-term care to be a growing concern for many employees. We pay 100% of the basic benefit, and offer the opportunity for them to pay for increased coverage and get coverage for their spouse. In addition, we searched until we found a policy that is portable. This means they will be able to access their coverage during the years when they will most likely need most of the post years of work. It is true that our society can not see a "benefit" to offer tangible LTCI because the employee is no longer working for us when using the service, but it does send an important message. Offering care insurance long told our employees that we really appreciate them now and in the future.
Our goal is to be an employer of choice. One important way we do that is by offering a generous benefits package. If you believe that people are your most important asset, you need to make the investment in them with a sufficient degree that they know that you care now and in the future.
Navigating life that sandwich generation
Navigating life that sandwich generation - Two months before my wedding, my soon to be husband received a call from an emergency room near his mother. She had come with bad flu symptoms, and they wanted us to get her and take her home so she would not be in itself lead. When we arrived, it was immediately clear to us that it was completely mentally impaired and simple flu could not be the explanation. After much insistence and outreach stories, we got her evaluated by a neurologist. She had one of the worst cases of viral encephalitis doctor had ever seen.
When our marriage arrived she was in rehab recovery treatment. The brain injury caused by the encephalitis, unfortunately, climbing his next big health crisis of Alzheimer's disease. Over the next 10 years, my husband started slowly taking on most of his care and manage its finances until we finally put it to a facility that could take care of its growing needs.
Meanwhile, one thing that helped us immensely was quite unexpected. There is evidence that many years ago, just after her husband died, my mother-in-law bought a very, very good long term care insurance policy. This allowed him to have a support home care for many years, and has helped place it in a better house when the time came. It was a great blessing for our family
This was never clearer than this past January when it was my turn. I get a call from my mother's doctor saying she was in a meeting and clearly had a kind of very severe pneumonia. My mother suffered a deep hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), which was originally changed it to be combative and mentally, and she resisted going to the hospital.
coma After 10 days induced medically two months of rehabilitation, and six months of my mother being out of work, my husband and I almost lost our house trying to (and us) to stay afloat financially. My mother has long-term zero care insurance, no disability insurance (she is Assistant Professor), and little in the way of savings. Finally, we have addressed the problem by triggering social security of my mother early and having its movement with us. We adapt to being a family of four now; I secretly think my daughter likes to have her grandmother all the time. I do, too often. We run a little during the night time television. But we will survive
The contrast between the two scenarios is striking, and it is because my mother-in-law was smart and purchased long term care insurance early. she was in her late 40s. We brought the subject with my mother, but we met some resistance; she thinks the long-term care insurance is equal to the nursing home. We try to correct this misconception; the long term insurance would actually be much easier to keep it at home, after all. At 43 now myself, it is something my husband and I on our "list" when our finances recover this year.
The Gift of Peace of Mind
The Gift of Peace of Mind- Peace of mind can be at the top of the wish list for most Americans, but with all the economic turmoil that been an impact on the lives (and budget!) in recent years, you would think it is out of reach.
However, it is a area where you can take care not only to protect your financial future, but also that of your family :. Planning Insurance
According to statistics, most Americans do not have adequate life insurance is appropriate. Unfortunately, this decision can have a disastrous effect on their families both in the short and long term. Many families will be unable to manage spending overnight after the loss of a parent while on the road, children may be unable to attend college or have other needs adequately.
TO LIFE Foundation, we are committed to helping Americans make smart insurance decisions for themselves, their families and businesses. These three steps will help you achieve peace of mind by ensuring your insurance needs are met
First step: Stop procrastinating .. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, " never leave tomorrow what you can do today. "You are aware that life insurance is important. You may even know friends or family members whose lives have been in financial distress due to lack of adequate insurance. But still, you Feel free to make the decision time for a reality check.. go to insurance LIFE Calculator needs for quick and easy analysis needs the answer may be just the motivation you need to get the next step
Second step:. .. Working with a professional You see your internist for a 12-month check-up and your dentist for regular cleaning Even your car undergoes a service routine by a qualified mechanic. Why would you entrust your financial plans and insurance needs to anybody unless a qualified financial expert? an annual review of your insurance and financial plans and portfolios with a financial professional can help you create a plan that aligns with your needs insurance and financial products and arrangements you have in place and to identify areas where changes are needed. (Locator Use Life Foundation agent to find a qualified professional financial adviser or insurance.)
Step Three :. Work the plan You know what you need and you can even have met professional insurance to get the facts and figures. Now you have to act on that knowledge. From a purely practical standpoint, the longer you hold off making a decision, the more money the policy can cost you, since, in general, rates increase with age. But there is not that your budget will be allocated, but your peace of mind as well. Knowing that something must be done, but do not actually do it is like wearing a heavier weight that grows every day. Ultimately, it is less stressful to make the decision and check the item to your list of things to do but continue to avoid. (Still not sure Hear experience CindyLu Rowe to life realLIFEstories?).
This holiday season, treat yourself and your family a gift that will keep on giving: an insurance policy that will protect your future and theirs. In addition to its financial benefits, it will give you peace of mind to look to the future.
Up, Up and Away!
Up, Up and Away! -Do you remember this great classic song by the Fifth Dimension, Up, Up and Away?
Well, not many people sing ?? the way things are good on the economic front. Fear of higher taxes, ongoing recession, persistent unemployment and low economic growth anemic or have many people scratching their heads and wondering how better position financially.
A just published the LIMRA report shows that policies permanent life insurance sales for the first three quarters of this year were up 15% compared to the same period last year. Why people take a renewed interest in permanent life insurance? I see several reasons:
1. People are looking for guarantees. What better than a guaranteed interest rate of 3% or 4% of the value of your cash? What other options offer this type of guarantee?
2. The tax advantages of life insurance include the tax-free accumulation of cash values while the policy is in force and the tax-free nature of most benefit death.
3. You have a guaranteed access to cash values. If you need a loan, your banker will always be there? Your cash value will be.
4. Consider the stable nature of the life insurance industry in the financial world otherwise fragile.
5. You gain peace of mind knowing that your loved ones are protected and will be provided with the exact amount of financial support you have identified they need in the event of your premature death . What a legacy to leave!
Click here to learn more about the permanent and term life insurance, which can be good for you. I hope you take the time to discover the unique and powerful nature of life insurance. It will help you feel like your financial health is up, and away!
Some Spare Change?
Some Spare Change? -When I mention the words "life insurance", people tend to disperse more quickly than if I had a summary nature requesting spare change. And while the holidays are over and the ringers have all gone home, it is never too late to spare some change, especially for your family. As an insurance professional, I can rattle off statistics and data on the importance of life insurance, but I will not do it. Instead, I'll let the stories speak for themselves. I work with these three women and want to share their stories of "spare change." (I have changed their names to maintain their privacy.)
Erin came to work for me, so it was in high school. She had moved to the Chicago area to Memphis four years earlier, not because it has chosen, but because "life happened" and the choice was made for her. While driving home from the funeral of his grandfather the day after Christmas, a drunk driver hit the car, she was head of killing both his parents. She and her two brothers went to live with their aunt and uncle, who already had three children. Their family has doubled overnight and so did the responsibilities. But because his parents had adequate life insurance, Erin and her brothers were able to stay together and have been "spared Change" miss all the positive things that the future held, such a college education private. Of course, nothing can replace the loss of a parent, but Erin did not have to lose the future promising that his parents would have wanted for her.
Tammy came to work for me there about a year. She has no plans to return to the Chicago area either. Tammy lived in sunny Arizona with her husband of eight years. They had to take a share of the American Dream by starting their own business. Their business began to pick up as they settle into their life together. One night, though, Tammy awoke to find that pre-existing cardiac disease her husband had taken a deadly toll. Tammy tried to save him while calling 911, but there is nothing she could do. He died on April 15; he was in the life insurance eligibility Tammy May 17 was left with business loans, a mortgage and no life insurance. In the midst of grieving the loss of her husband, she had to make the difficult decision to move out of the house they had built together. "When he was able to get life insurance, he did not think he needed it," said Tammy. Tammy has not been "spared change" in his life. When I asked Tammy what she would say to the people of her experience, she said firmly: "Even if you do not think you need life insurance, you do"
Anne, a. brilliant mind worked for me while getting his college degree. Always smiling, she was the kind of person who lit up a room. Anne had spoken of herself for a life insurance policy for a . while She said: "My parents think that I do not need," but decided to do politics anyway. Ten days later we have completed the application, Anne died in a car accident. Political life has been validated. A few days after the accident, I spoke with Anne's mother, who said: "If there was not this policy, we would not be enough money to bury my daughter." Anne was a 22 year old woman with no children, no husband and no major assets. However, thanks to his choice, she managed to "save some changes" to her own parents.
How will you spare some change for your family in 2011?
Beth Budreck, CLU, has a BS in Finance and has been running his agency Chicago area State Farm for over 21 years. She is married with two children, a boy who is 7 and a girl who is 8.
The magic of life insurance
The magic of life insurance -Let me share a few reasons why I am proud to sell life insurance and why I think it is important you own it. Think about what we have in the industry of life insurance, do every day: We create money where there was previously. We create dollars for future delivery, dollars for pennies a piece. We create safety of a spouse or family.
With just a piece of paper and a drop of ink, we can create more money to more people than any other person in any other industry. Think about it. If you are a man of 40 years (for example) that do not smoke, you pay an annual premium of $ 1,000 for a permanent life insurance policy $ 100,000. This is 1% of the nominal value. Where can you "buy" money to 1% per year?
With life insurance, we create security, dignity and peace of mind.
When a client dies, I'm the one who brings money to the family. Other accountant advisors, the prosecutor and the heirs have all their hands. I walk only with money created out of the magic of life insurance.
But to really get the benefit of this magic, you must have an amount of life insurance that is appropriate to cover the value of your human life.
After 9/11, the federal government determined that the average person who died in the attack against the World Trade Towers had a value of human life equal to 15 times their annual profits. Are you insured for 15 or 20 times the annual income you? If not, why not? If someone offers to pay you in cash the amount you insured your life and said that you would now work for them for the rest of your life without extra income, would you take the offer?
If you answered no, you are underinsured. I do not know what your "value of human life" is? Use the calculator the value of human life to run your own calculation, then be sure to get the coverage you need.
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