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We'll get the facts on disability and the need for disability insurance

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We'll get the facts on disability and the need for disability insurance -

If you are like the typical American worker, you believe that your risk of loss of income due to illness or injury is much lower than it actually is. As a result of this misconception. you may not have taken steps to protect your income with disability insurance. Here's why that's a mistake.

30 years earn between $ 40,000 and $ 50,000 today will probably win more than 3 million $ in their career job if they stay healthy. Failure to protect the most valuable financial resources, your ability to earn income, can result in financial disaster.

This is not what you think

When asked if they know someone who has become disabled, the most common answer is "no ". Yet more than 8.9 million US workers, over 5% of the working population receiving social security disability insurance benefits today and SSDI is difficult to qualify for. If we change the question: "Yes." "I know someone who has had cancer, a bad back or heart problems", the answer is invariably

One of the myths lasting disability is the average working hypothesis America that disabilities are more likely to be caused by accident. In the gap of disability research series, conducted by the Council to raise awareness of disabled people, by a wide margin, employees have said that if they were to become disabled, it is likely caused by a catastrophic accident:

  • 64% of employees surveyed said "a disability would cause someone to miss at least one year of work"
  • an astonishing 31% said a disabled employee would "never return. at work."

This catastrophic perception of disability results in employees underestimate their risk of long term disability. When they realize most disabilities are caused by much more common diseases, they begin to understand their own risk is higher than they thought.

A disability application is much more likely to result from a diagnosis of illness that is chronic and common.


Let completely separate from fiction. Every year for the annual long-term disability claim review, CDA collects data on the claims of the involvement of insurers disabled with a combined insured population of over 30 million workers. An evaluation of more than 0,000 disability claims recorded in a given year indicates the percentage of active requests that were caused by injuries is still below 10%. The remaining 0% or so have causes that are classified as diseases. While catastrophic accidents cause some disabilities, those often very visible, a disability claim is much more likely to result from a diagnosis of illness that is chronic and widespread.

The five causes of all disability claims assets in 2012 were as follows:

# 1: musculoskeletal and connective tissue: 30.7% for the 2012 long-term disability claims reflect diagnoses in this category. Specific examples include back pain, joint problems; muscle, ligament and joint disorders, arthritis, claims_pie2012 degenerative discs, sciatica and

# 2 .. The nervous system and detect conditions related to organs These diagnoses accounted 14.2% 2012 applications and include multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, paralysis, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), eye and ear disorders

# 3: .. cardiovascular / circulatory conditions 12.1% in 2012 requests resulted in circulatory disorders such as hypertension, chronic heart disease, heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and disease of the coronary artery

# 4 :. cancer diagnoses of cancer, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer. , Lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and leukemia were the cause of 9% from 2012 claims

# 5: injuries .. Finally, injuries, including fractures, sprains and sprains, dislocations, contusions, burns, poisoning and allergic reactions have been diagnostics to 7.7% in 2012 disability claims.

the bottom line is that injuries are in the mix, but the vast majority of disability claims resulting from common diseases that are very familiar to almost every American worker

your best financial move is to defend your income with disability insurance

Sources: 2013 .. the Council awareness of disability long term review of disability claims

the Council for disability awareness Divide Research Series 2010-2013

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