For Better or Worse, For Richer or
For Better or Worse, For Richer or - ... Despite the fact that half of marriages end in divorce, we never really do that they will divorce. Entering the wedding, we all think we are in the other 50%.
When you go through a divorce there is so much to think about. So much to negotiate with someone you try to separate yourself from. However, once you have children, you're really attached to that other person forever ... several days I thought, "Well, this is what is meant by a better or worse part of those greeting marriage. "
So in the middle of thinking about child care, housing, child support, alimony, who will get the antique armoire that you both like (me), the grid (him), life insurance is not the first thing that comes to mind. Or at least it was not for us. We are both young (ish) and healthy. both our parents lived to ripe old ages.
what are you doing about life insurance when you decide to divorce?
We had to consider what the Average life insurance. what kind of life do we want our children to be able to have if one of us is not there? When I got married, I used to joke with my husband that I wanted he has enough life insurance so that if I were forced to live without him, it would be at least in a style to which I'd become accustomed. There is some truth in that. If my children lose one of us, I will not add to the loss by subjecting them to a financial burden.
we've added all the years of support for children who need to be replaced. The college fund , music lessons, summer camps, sports equipment, ed driver During the SAT, the list continued and so on. We examined each and had the exact even thought, "Damn these children are expensive ." Followed quickly by, "Who had the idea to have them in the first place?"
Oh, I'm kidding. Who would want to give up nights without sleep, without disturbing end paycheck deposit directly into the bank account of the pediatrician?
We added all these things and then some to our final figure. Although we are divorcing each other, we both recognize that not having financial difficulties makes us better parents. And most of all, we both want the other to be the best parents that we can be for our children.
based on my experience with friends who have gone through divorce, they allowed their animosity for their former spouse to cloud their thinking. they viewed politics life insurance benefiting somehow their former spouse, instead of children. As if they imagined the person greedily rubbing their hands over their graves while fantasizing about a new sports car.
When our youngest child reaches 21 , we can legally do what we want with our policy of life insurance and designate a new beneficiary. In all likelihood, we will always keep the other list. the amount may be changed. Maybe there will be new policies with new partners added. It is still a long absence. But one thing I am certain, and it is very little I am sure these days divorce is no one else in this world has the best interest of our children at heart the way that we do. And even in the midst of arguing, bickering, and generally fool to another, it is important to remember that.
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