What about death by other means?
What about death by other means? -I recently read on a complaint filed by the widow of a well-known businessman in my hometown. The man died tragically in a car accident a few weeks ago. The story in the newspaper recounts the trial of $ 7.5 million filed by his widow against 16-year driver of the car that hit and killed the man.
In graphic terms, the trial for $ 7,500,000 describes all the losses of the widow and specifically stated in the filing, among other things: "loss of wages, loss of capacity. gain, and the present cash value of the dollar value of the deceased's life "
, I have now no idea how much life insurance man has or has not, but it brings a very interesting thought in mind and anyone should consider:
If you were to die because of the negligence of a third party, how much would you want your family to sue for?
If your family have not less if you were to die by other means?
says otherwise, if the deceased's family thinks his "economic value" of $ 7.5 million, it would be interesting to know if the gentleman had assured himself for anything near what amount.
"lost wages, loss of earning capacity, the current monetary value of the monetary value" ... This exactly this life insurance is
here's the reality: When you're here, your family or your business will likely have an economic loss due to the death if the amount they receive vary in the way. you die?
Think about it ...
While no amount of money can compensate for the loss of a loved one, you need to ask yourself if your "economic value "your family is assured. Use this easy online calculator to make sure.
New taxes on your road
New taxes on your road - At the LIFE Foundation, we strongly advocate for autonomy in personal financial planning, so you need to be aware of the increases waiting in taxes for 2013 next year will generate 20 new or higher taxes of affordable health care plan that will take effect for the first time on January 1, 2013. Here are five biggies:
medical tax device - an increase of $ 20 billion tax: medical device manufacturers employ 409,000 people in 12,000 plants across the country
"special needs tax children " - a tax increase of $ 13 billion .: the 30-35 million Americans who use a flexible spending account (FSA) at work to pay for medical needs basic family will face a new government cap of $ 2,500.
surtax on investment income - a tax increase of $ 123 billion: This is a new 3.8% surtax on investment income earned in households making at least 250,000 $ ($ 0,000 for a single person)
"Haircut" for medical itemized deductions - a tax increase of $ 15.2 billion: at present, Americans face to high medical expenses are allowed a deduction to the extent that those expenses exceed 7.5% of adjusted gross income
Medicare payroll tax hike - an increase of 86.8 billion tax $: the Medicare tax on salaries is currently 2.9% on all wages and self-employment profits. Under this tax increase, wages and profits exceeding $ 0,000 ($ 250,000 in the case of married couples) will face a rate instead of 3.8%.
The problem is, how do we pay for the new health care plan and reduce the national deficit at the same time? If the government could impose a 100% tax on all income from every person in America winner at least $ 250,000 per year, how much money would it take? The answer is $ 1.4 billion.
Given all the profits of the Fortune 500 would be about $ 400 billion. All profits of the Fortune 500 would be enough to run our government for 40 days. You can take all the income of all persons earning more than $ 250,000 per year, all profits of the Fortune 500 and all of the wealth acquired by billionaires from America, and that would not be enough money to fund our current federal government for eight months. If we can not even fund a full year of expenses, how can we reduce our deficit? If this does not hurt makes you comfortable on the current financial crisis in our country, it should.
Why should I put up all these taxes and the deficit? Because you have to take personal accountability for your financial well-being and that of your family. You can not rely on friends, family and the government to fill the financial gaps; but with proper planning, you can minimize the risk to you and your family.
Reach out to your agent or advisor today to begin the process.
Shedding Light on 7 Long Term Care Insurance Myths
Shedding Light on 7 Long Term Care Insurance Myths - Each November, supporters across the country use Long-Term Care Awareness Month as an opportunity to educate families about the importance of planning solutions for long-term care needs and how such long-term care insurance (LTCI) can protect their health and finances in their later years. For many, the first step in learning these solutions is to shed light on the myths and misconceptions about LTCI
Myth 1: .. There is a government program that will care of me Medicaid is a government program that will pay for some long-term care services. However, Medicaid eligibility requires that you meet the guidelines of the specific poverty in the state. Medicare, on the other hand, is a health insurance plan for seniors that covers skilled care to improve the health status of an individual. It does not cover custodial care, which means the type of care you get when you need long-term care
Myth 2: .. I can save money I have for long-term care This is not a practical approach to most individuals. Pay out of your own pocket for a few years of long-term care can deplete a lifetime of savings and retirement threaten you spent building several decades. The national annual average costs for long term care services are: $ 21,840 for home care (on the basis of a visit of four hours, five times a week); $ 39.500 for care in an assisted living facility; and more than $ 83,000 for care in a nursing home, according to the National Center for Long Term Care Information. For this reason, many financial planners and advisors consider LTCI an integral part of the financial plan of an individual
Myth 3: .. LTCI is only for the elderly The sooner you start planning for your long -term care, the better. hedging demand at a younger age will help make LTCI more affordable and provide more coverage options (the average age for new LTCI applicants is 57). In addition, accidents and chronic illnesses can occur at any age and may include the need for prolonged custodial care
Myth 4: .. I do not need LTCI because I have the health insurance long long-term care is the help, care or services from a person needs when they are unable to perform basic activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing or eating -a need that often grows over time. This type of care is not covered by health insurance plans, which are designed to cover acute care skilled or someone you return to good health (think care vs cure ). Therefore, long-term care typically focuses more on care than on curing
Myth 5: .. I can not afford LTCI Without insurance, you may have a harder time providing care in the long term. Many plans LTCI can be designed to be compatible with a range of personal budgets and benefit levels to meet personal needs. Have some protection against the financial demands of long-term care is better than having none it does not have to be an all or nothing decision
Myth 6 :. LTCI covers the care for. a nursing home LTCI can provide benefits for care in the following settings: your own home, adult day care, hospice care, assisted living center or nursing home
Myth 7 :. We do not require LTCI because we each other. family and friends certainly play an important role in long term care situations according to AARP, more than 42 million Americans provide care to an adult with limitations in daily activities. This support, when prolonged, can cause high pressure on the caregiver-physically, emotionally and financially. LTCI can help support and supplement these informal care, and ensure care is received if a spouse or a family member are not physically able to provide care.
Waiting too long to meet your needs for long term care can have serious consequences. I encourage you to take the next steps to learn more about how LTCI and other resources can protect your finances, give you peace of mind, and if necessary, provide the care you need. Then begin the important discussion with your loved ones to see if LTCI is the right solution for you and your family.
Want to save "tens of thousands" year? Read This
Want to save "tens of thousands" year? Read This -Many people follow the advice of Suze Orman when it comes to making financial decisions. There is no surprise, however, it is not a "favorite daughter" among many insurance agents, mainly due to the fact that it is "buy term and invest the difference" school of thought . [While term life insurance is the right fit for many people, as this post shows, it’s not necessarily an all-or-nothing decision between term and permanent life insurance.]
But I digress.
The reason I am writing about Suze is that she actually wrote an article in the December issue of O, the Oprah Magazine support an insurance product that many people do not know or think is too expensive to pay attention to
this is what she said about the insurance long term care :. "I am blessed to be able to provide medical treatment for my mother, who lived to 97, whenever she needed it, but I wish we had bought there his long-term care insurance decades. "
she goes on to note that while the annual premiums (she cites $ 1,000- $ 2,000) are a big commitment, long term care insurance" can you potentially tens of thousands of dollars a year if you are unable to care to save you. "
And it also suggests that it is not for you, but something that you can help your Parents support payments to premiums if they are unable to afford it.
Suze says, "... it is a small price to pay to reap huge benefits for the people you love."
I think most would agree. What do you think the opinion of Suze?
Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Soup -CPA, JD, MSFS, MSM, CLU, CHFC, CFP, RFC, CFA, SGCH, RHU, FSS, RICP, CASL, CAP, and the list RIA REBC keep on going. No wonder you (and me) are confused. So what should you look for designation when seeking to work with an agent or a professional counselor? It all depends on what you want to accomplish
Let's review some of the names most commonly recognized
CLU - Chartered Life: .. If you deal with life insurance and related products such as insurance for long term care, disability insurance or annuities, this is the only one looking. A CLU has completed a series of eight college courses requiring 16 hours of examinations on topics such as risk management and estate planning. A CLU is a specialist insurance
CFP - Certified Financial Planner: .. This specialist is trained in comprehensive financial planning, which requires a series of seven tests
ChFC - Chartered financial Consultant: This is similar to PCP with training in overall financial planning. This designation requires the same work that the CFP course and two choices as compensation or executive macroeconomics
Underwriter Training Council Fellow LUTCF- life. This certification, which requires the completion of six courses, combines the knowledge of essential products with the basic planning concepts
ULR - Registered Health Underwriter :. the RHU requires completion of four courses on group and individual health insurance. This designation is a first degree in the health insurance market. If you have questions about health insurance, the ULR is the professional expertise.
If you want to know more about these and other professional designations, go to the American College.
If you are looking for an agent or adviser to help you, you can start here, with the LIFE Locator agent. Everyone is listed members of their professional organization, the National Association of Insurance and Financial.
What you need to know about health care in retirement
What you need to know about health care in retirement - It would be nice to believe that rising health care costs were a temporary phenomenon. Unfortunately, it is not the case. The cost of medical care has outpaced inflation over the past 20 years, and predictions are that the costs of medical care and long-term will continue to increase in the future.
The decisions we make about how and where we live to retirement are unique to each individual or couple. The options open to us, however, are often determined by our financial resources, our ability to pay. Here are the different ways to pay for health care costs and long-term care in retirement, which can help you as you make decisions about your pension
insurance plans -health retirees. If your company provides retiree health benefits, make sure you know how much premium you will be required to pay and deductible and co-payment requirements. retiree health insurance plans are generally designed to coordinate with Medicare benefits. Warning:. Even if your employer is providing retiree health care benefits, there is no guarantee these benefits will be available when you retire
Medicare and insurance "Medigap" most people qualify for Medicare insurance when they turn 65. Medicare helps protect against the cost of medical care during retirement. One fact, however, is obvious: There is no free lunch. Have costs related to health care and the likelihood is that these costs will continue to rise each year
Medicaid. Medicaid is a federal program and the common state that helps medical costs for some people with low incomes and limited assets. Medicaid is essentially a safety net for those who did not provide enough for their financial needs in retirement, or who met unexpectedly large expenditures that drain their financial resources
long-term care insurance. long-term care insurance can put you in control, protecting your assets and dignity, while allowing you to select the type of installation and the setting in which to receive care services long duration, if necessary.
personal savings: Review your retirement plan to make sure it take sufficient account of the potential costs of health care and long-term care in retirement. If you find a shortfall, you can increase your personal savings now in order to have sufficient funds available after retirement
Home Equity :. Many retired people have accumulated a substantial net worth their homes. There are a variety of ways to use equity if needed to pay retirement health care costs
The return to work :. Regarding the planning of health care needs as we age, it is time for a reality check. How many 70+ year-old people with health problems really want to be looking for a job?
Do not wait until it rains to start building your ark. Plan ahead so that choices are always yours to make! Contact your agent or financial advisor for help with this type of planning.
Could you live on $ 1125 a month? If not, read this
Could you live on $ 1125 a month? If not, read this - You have become disabled, but you're not worried. Why? Because you think that social security disability benefits will "take care of you." Re ally? According to statistics from the Administration of Social Security, the average person who has qualified for the Social Security benefits receives $ 1,125.10 per month.
If you make $ 50,000 per year, how long could you (and your family) survive a payment of $ 1125.10 per month disability? It is only $ 13,501 per year, or 27% of your income. This assumes that you qualify for benefits, not everyone does. And if you do, it may still be more than two years, yes, years-before starting to receive payments. What will you do in the meantime?
It's time for you to protect your paycheck.
What do I mean? You protect your home by ensuring against loss. You do the same thing for your car, boat, motorcycle, RV and personal property, but have you ensured your salary?
Yes, I speak of disability insurance. You protect your worldly goods with insurance, and you should also protect your income against loss. If you get sick or injured and are unable to work, you disability insurance pays a percentage of your income until you can return to work.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, the perfect time to talk to your advisor or agent and learn how to protect your paycheck.
Here is the real question The Wall Street Journal should consider
Here is the real question The Wall Street Journal should consider -Yesterday The Wall Street Journal published the article "If you buy insurance Long Term Care?" Actually it was a debate between two people. Mark Meiners, professor of administration and health policy at George Mason University, argued in favor of long-term care insurance. Prescott Cole, a lawyer senior lawyers for the California nursing Home Reform, argued against. I feel compelled to respond because of the misrepresentation of the facts Mr. Cole about the long-term care insurance.
much of Mr. Cole argument seems to rest on the belief that most care is still in nursing homes. However, the facts are that over 85% of care is now provided outside houses nursing, making much of his theoretical argument. Nursing homes are a myriad of treatment options available to those with long-term care insurance, but most applicants now prefer care in settings ranging from the comfort of their own home, in day care for adults , to assisted living facilities and more.
instead of asking "If you buy long term care insurance?" a better question is "What is your long term care plan?" because this argument boils down to. It is not the risk of a long term care event; it is about the consequences if it happens. Insurance can not prevent the risk, but it can help your caregivers to manage the consequences.
Face it, when you need care, someone will provide that care, most likely a family member. So it becomes a question of how to provide your care will affect their health, finances and emotional state. Many studies have shown that family caregivers have a higher level of physical fatigue and are more prone to disease. They feel almost twice the normal rates of depression as they try to balance work, family and their own care. Caregivers also have financial difficulties because they work less, lose job opportunities, and pay out of pocket for certain expenses for your care. In addition, for a spouse, the money they spend on your care is now much less they can rely on their own future. An insurance plan may not completely eliminate one of these stresses on caregivers, but it can reduce them to a more manageable level.
M .. Cole also says that in "the game" of long-term care insurance, you play with a "stacked deck." What he fails to realize is that some of insurance options available can stack the deck your favor. for example, the shared care option with many political allows two people to share the risk by linking their benefits together. If one runs out their political advantage, they can use part or all of the joint political another option is to choose a policy linking long-term care benefits with a pension policy or life insurance. a winning proposal -win. If you ever need long-term care, the policy will pay for care, taking your premiums party several times your initial investment. If you need care, your heirs will receive a death benefit of your Plan policies. benefits related to eliminate "if I never use it, I lose" argument.
As medical advances are helping us live longer, many of us will need some form of long term care. The time to plan how you will handle this eventuality is when you are younger, are healthy and have options. Like any type of long-term strategy, you must first inform you about the options available to you, and then work with an experienced professional to make an informed decision. This way, if you choose to make with the traditional long-term care insurance or a related benefit policies, or ensure himself using your own money, you will go into this decision knowing all the pros and cons of your decision and how this will affect not only your care, but the lives of those around you.
Plan to work after 65? Your life insurance may have to "work" as well
Plan to work after 65? Your life insurance may have to "work" as well - US workers plan to continue working after age 65. If you are one of them will be your life insurance also continue?
Recent Survey Transamerica Retirement found that the majority of workers plan to work past age 65 (56%) and a majority plane (54%) continue working after retirement. Just 39% believe they are currently building a sufficient nest egg, underscoring the need to redefine "retirement readiness" in a way that is better adapted to these new realities.
Over recent years, the survey of Transamerica retirement saw an emerging trend of workers who plan to work past 65, including some workers who do not plan to retire. the survey this year revealed that these expectations are prevalent to varying degrees among workers of all ages, not only older workers.
If you are one of those workers, your insurance needs after 65 to replace income lost in the event of death becomes very important. You should review your current life insurance policies to determine if they continue after age 65, and if so, for how long and at what cost. Now can -being time to replace your term insurance to permanent insurance, which will remain in force as long as you need it at a fixed price without future increases. You can even choose a life insurance policy that includes long-term care benefits if you need extended care.
The effects of the great recession is reflected in the changing expectations of retired workers. Working past age 65 is an important opportunity to help alleviate a retirement savings shortfall. unforeseen life circumstances, such as loss or job health issues can have a devastating impact on the best plans. The "what if" scenarios are essential for US workers of any age is to be included in their long-term preparations.
Almost one in three (29%) expect to financially support family members other than spouses or partners, after their retirement, while 13% expect to receive financial support the retired family. This makes the need for insurance even more important after 65 years.
The Best One-Liners (for life insurance)
The Best One-Liners (for life insurance) -Gosh, we love our fans on Facebook. We asked a simple question: "If you had one sentence to convince someone to buy a life insurance, how about" And we had a large cargo responses
. Here are our winners:
you can always take care of your family even after you are gone -Erica Davis
Because in a blink. look right can change -Ashley Neves
But we also wanted to highlight some of our other favorites.
love is the reason we buy life insurance -Gary Cinello
life comes at you fast, and so can not. Either ready. be prepared. -Gerry Ornelas
If life insurance were free , how would you own? -John Busch IV
life happens so get life insurance -Brittany LaRoche
What kind of position would your family if something happens to you with no life insurance? -Janice Kiker
If you had died last Friday, what kind of legacy would you have today? -Brooke DeNovel
live, love, leave well -Mario Alban Santos
Life is priceless, the insurance is affordable -Dan Wilcox
and the humor ... (life insurance can really be funny ?!)
not having life insurance is like being left in a public bathroom without toilet paper. -Kat Johnson
With this amount of life insurance, you are not going to be dead for a long time, are you? -Colin Meeks
You mean all I would get is photo albums? -Chuck Scroggs
Care to add your own in the comments?
Are annuities-for you?
Are annuities-for you? -Almost half of workers plan to block a retirement annuity. Part of the reason is that the pension benefits offered by employers are most often distributed to workers in the form of an annuity, according to a new report "Ambivalence Towards Annuities older Americans," published by the Institute public policy for AARP. The study examines the results of an AARP survey of older workers and retirees about their choices for retirement income distribution.
The survey interviewed 1,750 workers aged 50 to 75 years and 670 retirees aged 59 to 75. The survey revealed that nearly five to 10 workers (48%) plan to take a pension or purchased from a life insurer or through their pension plan provided by the employer, and nearly four in 10 (38%) expect to receive a life income annuity.
The survey also showed that nearly three in four workers (74%) receive or expect to receive income from an annuity, and six in 10 (63%) receive income from a life income annuity. Three to four 10 workers and 10 retired with a choice of income distribution options plan to choose or have already chosen an annuity.
workers with 401 (k) type plan that are able to choose, a 31% plan to elect an annuity and 24% of retirees had made a similar choice.
When respondents were asked what features of annuities are "very" or "somewhat" convincing reasons to purchase an annuity, 82% say pensions "help you manage your budget because you get a predictable amount of money every month. " Annuities provide your salary and your PlayCheck so you can never outlive your income.
Respondents also cited the fact that annuities:
- offers peace of mind because the payments will continue for as long as you live (82% of respondents)
- Make sure that your monthly income will not fall, although it is an important market decline (80%)
- can help you stay independent because the money will never run (76, 8%)
- certainty of the offer regarding the rate of return (75.5%)
we are all living longer with a lot of us look to be active in our 0s one of the best ways to preserve our independence is to provide a source of income, we can not survive, and that's what Annuities do not ensure the safety, security and safeguards.
Disability insurance is more important than life insurance?
Disability insurance is more important than life insurance? - As life insurance Month approaches, we are reminded that one of the main functions of life insurance is replace lost income. But do not stop with just life insurance, it is a good time to evaluate all of your income replacement insurance needs.
Let me explain. What Is life insurance used? Income and asset protection. What is disability insurance used? Income and asset protection! When we really understand life and disability insurance, it is easy to see that there is very little difference between the two in terms of function. In both cases, the insured no longer produces income.
What is different is spending. Although there is usually final expenses related to death, costs of disability are persistent and significant, with the potential to last for years. According to the Council for Disability Awareness, the average length of a long-term disability is two years.
People who have become disabled and are no longer able to work still need to buy what they did before they still need to eat, sleep and shelter. In addition, they usually have ongoing medical problems that must be addressed. They may have special needs that require equipment or modernization of their homes and special automobile.
So I could argue that becoming disabled is much worse than dying in terms of financial turmoil.
As a counselor, when I deal with clients who seem to be interested in life insurance, I asked simply, "OK, I'd be happy to help you buy an insurance plan -life, but how you will continue to pay the premium if you become disabled? How will you continue to pay for your car insurance, health insurance and your home insurance? "My hope is that these customers will start thinking about the financial planning disability.
Learn more about the need for income protection insurance exploring www.protectyourpaycheck.org and www.disabilitycanhappen.org
But do not take away the great efforts that lIFE is to promote the importance of life insurance during the campaign that begins in two weeks. Instead, I remind you that both life insurance and disability insurance are important considerations for anyone who has financial responsibility for a family or a business.
3 tips to get "high risk" life insurance
3 tips to get "high risk" life insurance -If life insurance is not a priority before it will become one if your health declines. The combination of the realization of the most important people in your life are financially dependent on you and you are no longer invincible are is a wake up call for many.
Most consumers have health problems admit that getting life insurance when they were young and healthy has always been a thought, but nothing's ever pushed the continue until now.
Nobody likes to think about their premature death, but with a condition invites the thought of "If something happened to me, my family would be okay? "The harsh reality is when these health complications occur, it becomes difficult to find affordable life insurance rates.
If you have health problems or lifestyle and you are having difficulty to get life insurance, here are 3 tips to help you in your search
Tip # 1: .. Working with a life insurance agent or agency that has experience with your risk
the truth is, every life insurance company will look at your risk differently. Some life insurance companies will look at your sole risk, more favorably than others. Just because you have been denied with one company does not mean you can not get affordable coverage with another company.
Ask your current agent if they have access to an insurance specialist -life "high risk". If they do not then just do an Internet search for your risk. For example, you can search for "life insurance with COPD" or "life insurance with congestive heart failure." There are several agents who are experts in your risks and know that life insurance companies will give you the best offer. There are many high risk for qualified life insurance agents there
Tip # 2 :. It's about control and compliance
If you have a chronic health condition (diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc.), all you have to do is demonstrate control and compliance. Control which means there are no major complications, and that means respect that you follow your doctor's recommendations. This applies to the majority of medical issues.
In many cases, you just need to bring your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, A1C levels, triglycerides, PSA or other laboratory results within normal limits. If you have been denied or very appreciated for your lab results, work on getting those under control and re-apply when they return within normal limits
Tip 3 :. Get "trial offers"
There is a process in the life insurance industry, where we can send your risk for many life insurance companies at one time, without filling a formal application for life insurance. This means that you can know with certainty what type of offers to wait several life insurance companies before you formally apply and without taking a medical examination. Think of it as a service "prequalification"
This is what it means :.
1. Your agent collects your health information (in detail), sums to subscribers and sends it to all life insurance company that has risk.
2. life insurance companies review your health profile and answer "indicative offers" writing. This means that until everything was disclosed, and nothing has changed are the rates you can expect.
3. You choose the best offer and a formal application with this company. Your agent would join the temporary offer to your request.
The biggest misconception for people with health problems looking for life insurance is that they can not qualify for coverage. We hear all the time and in most cases affordable coverage is obtained.
Eligibility for life insurance coverage with a health deficiency takes some expertise and a little more work on your agent, but it can be done. Do not let the health problems that deter you secure this important coverage.
My advice is always to provide coverage while you're young and healthy because health tomorrow is promised to no one. However, sometimes it takes a wake up call to get life insurance off the burner.
Be master of your future Ensuring your
Be master of your future Ensuring your -If there is one thing the recession (and all the twists and turns that followed subsequent economic) taught us, it is the value to be proactive when it comes to our future. While you may not be able to control what happens in Washington, DC, and on Wall Street, you can take charge of your personal finances, making choices that go a long way to protecting your future and that of your loved ones.
the old saying "ignorance is bliss" was replaced with "knowledge is power", as the Americans recalculate budgets across households, review mortgage rates and credit card fees and look for ways to save at the gas pump and grocery store. and in September, which is life insurance awareness Month, you have another way to get the most out of your money and protect your future :. by assessing your life insurance coverage
But, to use another aphorism, "you can lead a horse to water, you can not make him drink. "While life or your insurance agent can tell you about the importance of life insurance, you can buy it. Unfortunately, the reasons for not buying a policy, or not to increase coverage current to meet future needs, are often based on fallacies and misinformation.
How do you know about life insurance? Read the following instructions to check your insurance IQ. Consider this life insurance 101:
I'm single, so I do not need life insurance Even singles can leave behind others who depend :. children, aging parents , or even a friend or relative who is dependent on them for financial support. Having a policy in place that will take care of them once you are gone is the last act of love you can give.
I'm covered through work. This should be enough. May be. Or maybe not. The only way you will know if the coverage is adequate is by using tools such as life insurance LIFE Calculator needs. But keep in mind that, depending on how it is written, the policy may end when your employment ends. Wear an individual policy gives you coverage and additional control, no matter what happens with your work situation.
I'm too young to worry about life insurance. In fact, there are several reasons why you should buy a policy when you are young. On one hand, the purchase of a life insurance coverage while you're young and healthy means that your premiums will be relatively low. In addition, while the young like to think they are immune against health problems and adverse life events, accidents and illnesses can occur at any age. Having a policy in place guarantees your insurability.
Life insurance is too expensive. How do you think it costs? There are opportunities, whatever you think is probably much more than reality. According to LIMRA and LIFE Insurance Barometer Study 2012 80% of consumers were unable to correctly estimate the real cost of life insurance. Most greatly overestimated her, for example, that the best available annual rate of 20, $ 250,000, political life in term for good health 30 years have a median cost of $ 400 believe prices. (Good answer $ 150 ?!) Before you decide you "can not afford insurance," be sure you know what is the real cost - and the cost of not being insured could be for you and your family
"term." "Perm." "Riders and options." it's too complicated to understand. Anyone who has tried to navigate through the pages of legal documentation and contracts may be forgiven for thinking that this is all designed to make you feel badly informed, educated and outdated.
Fortunately, we need not let lack of knowledge stand in your way to make an intelligent decision. Start by visiting online resources such as the LIFE website where you will find easy to understand information and tools. Then schedule a sit-down with your professional financial adviser or insurance, or if you do not have it, you can find one here. Take a list of questions and scenarios. For example, if you:
- quit your job and start your own business
- have another child
- take responsibility for an aging parent
- find that you have a terminal illness?
Awareness Life Insurance Using a month to increase your understanding of what life insurance can do for you and your family. And then do it!
There is a choice
There is a choice -An editorial in my local newspaper, the Minneapolis' StarTribune, "bubbling me. You see, a man was mourning not only the death of his beloved 94-year-old aunt, but also that there was nothing more his very hard earned $ 250,000 in savings to bequeath. He was upset that all her savings went to pay for long term care and when that ran out, she "became a ward of the state."
What he does not mention is that she had a choice.
she made a choice not to use a small part of his savings each Year- $ 3000 to buy long-term care insurance, and I understand his decision not as she had modest gains. However, there was a choice. Instead, $ 250,000 complete her savings went to pay for care. If she had drawn his savings to $ 3,000 per year for long-term care insurance policy, it could have retained much of his savings, got the care she needed in an institution of their choice and the past money to his family as a legacy to his death
And his point about her being a ward of the state. This is the part that really bothered me the most, because the government took care of her aunt. After missing money, the state of Minnesota pays for it. It was not a ward of the state; she was the recipient of the state and its taxpayers. This civilized nation has taken care of her, but asked him to use his resources first. This is called accountability.
People often think that long term care insurance is too expensive. In reality, it is too expensive is to use your savings to pay for care. Your choice may come down to pay several thousand dollars a year for a long-term care policy, or to pay more than $ 87,000 per year from your savings if you were to need care. (This is the national average cost of nursing home care per year.) He is a choice.
Awareness-life of breast cancer Insurance style!
Awareness-life of breast cancer Insurance style! - Have you noticed the pink ribbon everywhere this month? Or holding pink athletes around the nation are door?
It is to support awareness of breast cancer. I think it's a great time to also spread the attention on progress in the life insurance underwriting for breast cancer survivors.
With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we will expand the awareness that breast cancer survivors see very affordable life insurance offers many life insurance companies on the market.
There are not long when those who beat breast cancer had to wait 10 years for their last treatment even be considered for coverage of life insurance. Life insurance underwriters finally started loosening their underwriting positions against breast cancer because of advances in treatment, increased awareness and self exams.
And it's time.
Unfortunately, these advances in breast cancer subscription are known for the life insurance industry and not to the general public. There is a huge misconception by breast cancer survivors out there that cover life insurance is not an option and it could not be further from the truth. Agents around the nation secure affordable life insurance to their clients with breast cancer history.
If you are a breast cancer survivor, the first thing you need to do is collect the following information and present it to your life insurance agent:
1. What was the specific type of breast cancer?
2. What was the stage and grade of the cancer? (MOST IMPORTANT - this should come from your pathology report post)
3. When were you diagnosed? And when did your end treatment?
4. How was it treated? (Lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, etc.)
5. Any metastasis or lymph node involvement? If so, provide details.
6. What was the size of the tumor?
If any of the above information is missing, an agent can not precisely "shop your case ', which means finding a company that would be a solution for you. In addition, having a copy of your pathology report will help tremendously in your prequalification risk. After providing this information to your agent, let them take it from there.
Each life insurance company will look at your history of different specific breast cancer and slightly more favorable than others. It is your life insurance agent who will use their expertise and resources to find a more affordable cover. Put your life insurance agent to work for you.
Securing life insurance for breast cancer survivors occurs daily in our industry and awareness of + 2.9 million breast cancer survivors today will help protect more families need this coverage.
If you are a breast cancer survivor and are in the market for life insurance, contact your life insurance agent. Affordable life insurance rates are in your future.
The list (aka what financial documents you need to keep it safe and dry)
The list (aka what financial documents you need to keep it safe and dry) -( This post originally ran in July 2011, but in the wake of Hurricane Sandy it seems appropriate to run again, especially in light of the advice in the last paragraph. )
How many of you have legal and financial documents stashed in various drawers in different places? Maybe you have some in your home safely, some in drawers in the bedroom, others in the den and in the office. What happens when you get sick or die? Does anyone know where all the documents? Probably not, including you.
The Wall Street Journal published a very interesting article, The 25 papers you need before dying, simply answer this problem. The article was two pages, very detailed and well written, so let me give you a summary of what he said
According to the WSJ, there are six categories of documents that must be maintained . Marriage and divorce, life insurance and retirement, health care, bank accounts, proof of ownership and "essential". Here is what should be included in these categories.
Marriage and divorce
o Marriage license
o divorce papers
life insurance and retirement of
o fonts life insurance
o individual retirement accounts
o 401 (k) accounts
o retirement papers
o annuity contracts
health care
o personal and medical history of the family
o sustainable food health proxy
o authorization to disclose health information
o Living will be
o Do-not-resuscitate for
o pre-need guardianship declaration (not required in all states, but an excellent idea)
bank accounts
o List of bank accounts
o List of investment accounts
o List of all usernames and passwords
o List of safes
proof of ownership
o housing, land and acts cemetery
o Escrow mortgage accounts
o evidence of loans and debts
o tracks vehicles
o stock certificates, savings and brokerage accounts obligations
o partnership and operating company agreements
o tax returns
the Essentials
o Will
o Letter of instruction
o other business documents such as purchase and sale agreements or share buyback
My list includes over 25 mentioned by the WSJ, and your list may include other. Here is another indication of someone who lives in an area prone to severe storms and flooding. Put your papers in watertight containers with water to prevent loss or damage due to water.
Now you have your list. Start organization!
Take 'Em or pay the price
Take 'Em or pay the price -Ashlea Ebeling Forbes wrote an article that over half the people who are required by law to take money from their accounts individual retirement (IRA) at year-end failed to do so from the beginning of this month, according to a recent survey by Fidelity Investments. Maybe these people do not need the money in their IRA to cover the expenses of every day.
Why should you be concerned about the deadline for the end of the year? If you miss it, you pay the penalty is 50% the amount you should have taken in distributions, according to the tables Internal Revenue Service
Here is a summary of the basic rules :. IRA owners must normally start taking required minimum annual distributions (RMD) after they turn 70½ from their own traditional IRA or IRA inherited from a spouse, but not their Roth accounts. IRA heirs Non-spouses of any age must take RMD both traditional and Roth accounts.
The amount you have to make is not arbitrary, but calculated based on your life expectancy and your IRA balance in the end of the previous year. There are also special rules. When you turn 70½, you have until April 1 of the following year to take your first distribution. There is also a required RMD in the year of death, if the deceased is about 70½.
One reason to wait until the end of the year to take your RMD distribution is to let the money continue to grow tax deferred as long as possible. Another reason to hold off on taking distributions for the year is whether Congress will restore law Rollover IRA-charity, which expired on 31 December 2011. It allows you to direct the custodian of your pretax IRA to transfer up to $ 100,000 a year to a public charity, as the LIFE Foundation without having to count the distribution in your income. In return, you forgo the tax deduction on charitable income. But this strategy can leave you in advance whether or not you itemize deductions normally or not.
For more advice on your IRA, contact your financial advisor.
Make Room for Long-Term Care in your family vacation plans
Make Room for Long-Term Care in your family vacation plans - The holiday season is always special; it is a time when we gather with friends and family to celebrate long traditions and find the time to make new ones. holiday tours can also be a great opportunity to talk to your aged parents and family members about their needs for potential long-term care.
But where to start? Your overall goal should be to welcome an honest conversation about their current health status. Here are some questions to keep in mind:
Assess their ability to live independently
- Do they struggle to dress or use toilet without help?
- Are they able to give a hand in the kitchen or feed properly during dinner?
- can they get around their home safely or that the house has security problems?
- they are dealing with other daily tasks?
consider their overall health
- How are they feeling?
- Have they had any recent visits to the doctor or exams they are willing to discuss?
- Have they clearly lost weight and are they maintain their health?
observe their emotional and mental state
- are they are they a positive or often need encouragement to perform ordinary tasks?
- are they still participate in their usual Activities and hobbies?
- Are periodic memory lapses, such as forgetting names of relatives or household items, disrupt their lives?
- Do they ask the same questions repeatedly?
You can also test their memory during holiday visits by requesting dates or significant events or by giving a few key words to remember and asking them to repeat any words long your visit.
phone calls and emails are a great way to check regularly aging parents and relatives, but the holiday tours can be a valuable opportunity to get a clear picture of their well-being. As you catch up on the events of the year and relive old memories to your holiday gatherings this year, spend some time considering the future of your family. It may prove to be the right time to take the first step toward planning for long term care and discuss how solutions such as long term care insurance can help preserve their independence and ensure that their needs are satisfied.
It's time to submit your own realLIFEstory
It's time to submit your own realLIFEstory -One of the best things that the Foundation is Life offers its realLIFEstories. These are not advertisements; do not use actors pretend to be someone else. Instead, realLIFEstories tell the moving stories of how people's lives-and the lives of their families have been affected by death, disability or illness, and how insurance helped to see their way through these difficult times.
Take the case of the family Montes de Oca. Lissete lost her husband, Felipe, and Felipe Jr. and Lucas have lost their father when he was aged 47, after a harrowing battle with cancer. You can watch their story here
As shown their history, life is never, ever the same after a loved one dies. However, the fact that her husband had life insurance meant Lissete not to worry about finances, in addition to the pain she and her son have to deal with. As she says, "Life insurance is something you pay for, but never expect to use. But I'm here, and I can not imagine not having this support to help me through. "
as powerful stories helps people of Montes de Oca understand what insurance really not . That's why each year of life demand that agents and advisors (and we know that 'there are some of you who read this blog!) to submit stories of their own to realLIFEstories LIFE Client services recognition Program, which demonstrate how insurance they helped set up a family makes a difference a time of need. for more information, click here
If you or your family have enjoyed life, disability or long-term care insurance and would like to share your story with the American public, send this link along your agent .: www.lifehappens.org/reallifestories-program-application.
Six Things You Need To Know About Protecting Your Paycheck
Six Things You Need To Know About Protecting Your Paycheck - While most of us understand the need for our cars and homes, many do not consider the insurance that pays for those things ... our paychecks. It is crucial to understand the importance of properly insure your paycheck with disability insurance. Here are the answers six of the most pressing issues of people and disability insurance:
1. Where does the disability insurance shaped my financial plan?
Disability insurance is there to protect your income if you become sick or injured and unable to work. In essence, it protects your paycheck. Your financial plan must start and end with the income planning. Unless you first protect your income, there is no financial plan!
2. What about disability insurance through my work-isn't that enough?
who called disability insurance group. With this particular coverage, you are just a tenant. You are not in control because you do not have politics. It can be taken from you in an instant; your employer may waive or insurer may decide to stop the insurance group. You are their thank you.
In addition, 70% of employers do not offer insurance long term disability in the workplace, which means that if you have coverage, there is probably a short-term disability, it that would not help you meet your financial obligations if you were sick or injured for a long period of time.
Also, keep in mind that long-term disability group generally only covers your base salary, so bonuses, commissions, incentives, deferred compensation, the options purchase of shares and pension contributions are generally not covered. In most disaster scenarios, people are very disappointed with the adequacy of their group disability coverage.
3. How long-term care insurance differs disability insurance?
Simple. Disability insurance pays you and long-term care insurance generally pays someone else who provides care service.
4. How Disability Insurance differ from life insurance?
Regarding the replacement of the income and preservation of assets, there is no difference. The difference between the disability insurance and life insurance is that you are above or below six feet of earth. The main concept is to think that the chances of becoming disabled are much more than dying prematurely.
5. How much disability insurance should I have?
must have as much disability as possible. No less than 65% of your gross income is considered adequate. I have not met anyone who receives disability benefits who said that their advantage is more than enough. Unfortunately, when you are disabled, the truth is always the opposite; there is never enough money. That is why the additional disability insurance is often required to adequately protect the income of a person. You can get a working idea of how much you might need here.
6. Where can I get disability insurance?
A good counselor or financial insurance agent will always offer disability insurance, which should be a clue when choosing an advisor. If you do not have an agent or adviser, you can start your search here.
Ensure Your Love
Ensure Your Love -We do a lot of great things to show our families and loved ones how much we appreciate and love them, planning big family vacation to take our significant other to a romantic night.
All these gestures show our love, but there is one thing you can do to cement that love in the future, even after you are gone, and that is to buy insurance -life.
to the LIFE Foundation, we Aore celebrating who, AOVE taken that extra step and life insurance coverage obtained with our line Ensure Your Love Mosaic. Over a thousand people have already downloaded photos to the mosaic of those They, AOVE protected. It, AOS therefore interesting to see how each story is different, but in its essence: take care of those you love. Take a look at these:
And, of course, I added my own:
And how about ? It only takes a few minutes and in doing so, you can help spread the word about the importance of protecting those you love with life insurance.
For each photo that gets uploaded to the mosaic, LIFE will donate $ 1 to fund scholarships for life lessons studies, giving tuition to college-age students who lost a parent.
and if you post a photo and caption of February 29 you, Äôll be entered LIFE, AOS photo competition, with a chance to win one of five $ 100 gift certificates so that you can take your loved one (s!) for a lovely evening.
Help for a family of One
Help for a family of One -We spend a lot of time talking about how couples, families and businesses can protect their financial future with life insurance. But what about if you only do you need life insurance, too?
There are people who have no children, person depending on their income, no financial obligations current and sufficient liquidity to cover their final expenses. But how many of those people do you really? And, more importantly, are you one of them?
I think it's important, then, to illustrate how a purchase of life insurance can be a smart financial move for someone who is single with no children. Ask yourself these three questions can help you get to the heart of the matter:
• Do you provide financial support for elderly parents or siblings
• Do you have a large debt that you not want to spend? the surviving family members if you were to die prematurely?
• Have family members pay for your education?
life insurance is a great way to meet these obligations, and in the case of tuition fees, pay the family members for their support. But do not take my word for it. Instead, "do your own calculation." A need that life insurance Calculator can help you quickly understand if there is a need, a need that you might not be aware of that could be easily treated with life insurance.
In addition to meeting all financial obligations you may have, the current economic climate was the permanent life insurance an attractive way to help you build a secure long-term rate of return on assets safe currency. cash value in traditional life insurance can provide a long-term rate of 3% to 5% return over 20 years. This can provide you money for opportunities, emergencies and even retirement.
For young singles, keep in mind that you have youth on your side. I do not want to sound trite. Instead, I want you to think about the fact that buying life insurance is very affordable when you are young and you can protect your insurability when there is a future need, perhaps, in time the spouse and children.
Although these reasons are valid, the most important reason for you to consider life insurance can be peace of mind you have knowing that your financial obligations will be met if some happens.
You want to get your financial life on track?
You want to get your financial life on track? -We are lucky enough to have some of the best insurance agents and financial advisors at our disposal (they form our board). So we thought we put them to work for you. We asked them: "What is your best advice for helping someone get their financial lives back on track or on track" And here's what they had to say:
The economy was hard on almost everyone. We had to cut things here and there. take a look at what you spend on a daily and weekly basis, keep a diary of expenses. you might be surprised at how much money you could save if you take your lunch to work a few days a week or make your own coffee in the morning. Then create an appropriate budget. Include in this budget how much you could save for the things that are really important. and remember to review your budget regularly to keep you on track. -Cindy Gentry, CLU, CHFC, LUTCF
save ... save ... save! No matter how hard it is in the world of today, it is important that you start and maintain a stable economy program, even if it is just a small amount for now. No one has ever regretted save money. -Ronald B. Lee, CLU, CHFC, CLTC
We spend more time planning a vacation than we keeping our financial lives on track. Get your "home" in good financial order with a budget by keeping track of your monthly expenses compared to your monthly income. Your goal should be to have money left over at the end of each month. If so, you are on the road to financial fitness. There will be bumps in the road, but as long as you maintain a balance limit expenses with the understanding of your income, and knowing that you can not spend more than you earn, you'll be on track in no time . -Robert N. Garneau, CLU, CHFC
It's time for a "financial physical." You can "feel" financially well, but on further analysis by a qualified professional, you can determine you jeopardize your financial future. You get a physical check to feel confident that you will not put your health at risk. Is not it logical to give the same respect to your financial health, too? "-Clarke Langrall, Jr., CEPA
Many people make plans for their holidays in the beginning of the year. How about spending some time making plans for your retirement or what happens to your children if something happens to you? -Michael L. Weintraub
Make a budget! most people do not know how and how much comes out. so they can never get a handle on the amount of "discretionary" income they have to ... spend, save, invest or buy insurance. If you do not know where you are, you will never be able to understand how you can go anywhere elsewhere! -Brian H. Ashe, CLU
Having a financial advisor to review your tax return. She can advise you if a tax-deferred annuity would reduce your taxes, for example. It can also provide advice on life insurance loans and / or dividends, and answer questions such as: Do you maximize the tax benefits of your policy? Would and long-term political benefit of care you and your heirs? -Patricia L. Krarup, CLU, CHFC, MSFS
Let us know what advice resonated most with you.
What will your retirement Look Like?
What will your retirement Look Like? -Did you know that for women aged 65 and over Social Security represents two-thirds of their income? Without Social Security, it is estimated that 58% of widows (age 65+) would live in poverty, according to a report by the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress in 2010. With inflation and other economic pressures, women who count income from social security in retirement may be faced at some point with the choice between food or medicine, rent or car repairs, or a myriad of other financial dilemmas.
Have these women are considering such a lean future? Probably not. Only a few probably wish they understood the best money issues or actively invested in retirement.
You have the power to change your future by being aware of these situations affect your ability to save for retirement and taking proactive steps now to prevent problems in the future
Know that these factors will influence your ability to earn, save and will not outlive your money in retirement :.
women spend on average 12 years in the labor market. Often this is due to women taking responsibility-for children or adult members of the caregiving family. This means they have 12 years less than men in which they put money into their retirement funds
Women live longer On average, they live five years longer than men .. 80.5 years against 75.5 for men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention. But they can actually spend a decade or more on their own due to divorce or widowhood.
Women face an earnings gap. Women earn only $ 0.78 for every dollar that men, according to the Bureau of Government Accounting. And the gap is even greater for women of color
Here are some areas where you can be proactive about ensuring a financially successful retirement :.
Make sure you get paid what you are worth in the workplace. Some women are reluctant to negotiate a better salary. Do not worry that it looks too aggressive; Men do it all the time. It takes confidence and probably a little research to affirm your professional value with your boss, but you need to do.
Do not equate a rich spouse with a pension plan. Remember, that destiny knows where that spouse and the money could end one day.
Make sure you have a plan in place. Most sensible is to sit down with a counselor who can guide you through what you might need now, as life insurance (for both you and your spouse, if married), the 'disability insurance and a solid investment strategy for your retirement. As you reach your middle years, the assurance of long-term care becomes an important factor in order not to destroy your retirement nest egg, if you or your spouse need care.
Preparing for a healthy retirement requires attention, patience and dedication. But most importantly, it requires you to take that first step. I invite you to do it now.
Did we not say enough?
Did we not say enough? -When I was 25, I understand the value of life insurance and planning for the unexpected.
My father died suddenly at the age of 44 years without life insurance.
I remember I left college and go home for the funeral. My aunt took me aside and told me that the family was pooling money together to pay the fee. What could I do?
We all did what we could. It is not enough to dampen my family the financial gap that my father had left behind.
Although my story is not uncommon today as a financial professional with over two decades in the field, I know it is useless.
When my father (right) died, I was still in college. My young brothers and sisters had to be done.
Although my parents divorced when I was 13, my father's ability to contribute to our future well-being was paramount. As the eldest of three children, I learned to do with what was available. It was not always easy, but it was a full education of important life lessons that eventually led me to my career. My mother cleaned hospitals for life and taught me how to manage resources like any business school ever could. She relies on me to take care of my siblings and our house while she was at work. I earn money by mowing lawns, raking leaves and shoveling snow in the neighborhood. I worked throughout college and got my license for life insurance as a junior through an internship program at a financial services company.
untimely death of my father took a heavy emotional impact on all of us: We grieved the father that we liked, and we were struggling with questions about why he has not taken even a policy small group to protect his family. Do not he know? Did we not say enough?
Despite uplifting stories like mine, many people choose to give up to even the most basic plans in place. Involuntary lesson my father taught me to do the planning made me determined to lift the economic well-being of my own family and helping others to do the same in my community. My choice to help others with their plans for a financial future is not a career choice, it is a mission.
If your own history does not move to take action, you are allowed to borrow mine!
Organize your home office Celebrate Day by reviewing your Business Insurance
Organize your home office Celebrate Day by reviewing your Business Insurance - Tell the truth, do your home office look a little messy, cluttered, disorganized? Do you plan to get it under control as soon as you can find the time, but worry that "time" will never come? If so, you're not alone.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 64 percent of independent people do at least some work at home. For these entrepreneurs and small business owners, it can be difficult to keep the paperwork under control when there are so many other priorities on their list. And it is not only a question of where to put what. Being organized also means ensuring that your business has all it takes to function properly and profitably.
Why not celebrate "Organize Your Home Office Day" today, March 8, by getting your business environment under control. Start with the physical improvement of your space, then go a step further, examining how this space and, by extension, your company is protected.
An organized office is more efficient, more productive and ultimately more profitable. And carrying the appropriate types of business insurance protects the profitability in case of unfortunate circumstances or life events. Insurance and other benefits are also attractive incentives to help you recruit the best talent and retain and compensate your members most valuable team.
While you may think that the policies of property and liability insurance are all you or your business needs, you should be aware of other equally important kinds of business insurance .
business suite
the objective of the business continuation coverage is to protect your family and your business in case of adversity. Options include individual insurance keyperson insurance and buy-sell agreements.
- Individual Insurance -In a business owner, you need enough insurance to cover business debts secured by personal assets. Otherwise, your family may be forced to sell or liquidate the company, perhaps at a loss to repay these debts, which may leave little or no money for their living expenses in progress. (I do not know how much you need? Use Life Insurance Calculator Life needs.)
- Keyperson Insurance -According to your business, get a keyperson insurance on some employees may be beneficial because it helps make for sales or loss of income or cover the cost of research or training a replacement should a staff member become disabled or die.
- Buy-sell agreements -In a company with shared ownership, a buy-sell agreement allows owners to purchase from the company to another owner if death, disability or retirement. Buy-sell agreements are generally funded by life insurance policies, which further allows business owners to buy the company interests on the part of a co-owner, if he or she were to die at a previously agreed price. Business owners should also ensure against the risk of becoming disabled and unable to work. In this case, disability insurance buy-out fund the purchase and sale agreement, allowing the owner to invalidate redeemed, usually after a waiting period of one year.
Employment Benefits -When working weighing offers, candidates examine both the rate of pay and the pay plan, which may include pension life health and disability insurance, as well. If you want to recruit and retain the best employees, discuss all the benefits package options (including voluntary benefit programs) with your insurance advisor to ensure that you have the right combination.
Executive Compensation -Executive compensation schemes, designed for your most valuable employees, offer a higher level of benefits and compensation as well as tax benefits. Options include deferred compensation plans (including SERPs), section 162 plans and supplemental disability insurance. Again, rely on your insurance advisor for recommendations and information.
Although all this information can seem overwhelming at first, your insurance professional can guide you through the details and help you develop a comprehensive plan for protecting your business and those with on her. Use "Organize Your Home Office Day" as an incentive to organize an assessment of the business policy with your insurance advisor. Then you can relax and enjoy your well-ordered office space, knowing that everything, including your insurance cover, is well organized and on track.
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