Could you live on $ 1125 a month? If not, read this
Could you live on $ 1125 a month? If not, read this - You have become disabled, but you're not worried. Why? Because you think that social security disability benefits will "take care of you." Re ally? According to statistics from the Administration of Social Security, the average person who has qualified for the Social Security benefits receives $ 1,125.10 per month.
If you make $ 50,000 per year, how long could you (and your family) survive a payment of $ 1125.10 per month disability? It is only $ 13,501 per year, or 27% of your income. This assumes that you qualify for benefits, not everyone does. And if you do, it may still be more than two years, yes, years-before starting to receive payments. What will you do in the meantime?
It's time for you to protect your paycheck.
What do I mean? You protect your home by ensuring against loss. You do the same thing for your car, boat, motorcycle, RV and personal property, but have you ensured your salary?
Yes, I speak of disability insurance. You protect your worldly goods with insurance, and you should also protect your income against loss. If you get sick or injured and are unable to work, you disability insurance pays a percentage of your income until you can return to work.
May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month, the perfect time to talk to your advisor or agent and learn how to protect your paycheck.
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