Premature death
Premature death -I've never believed in coincidences, chance or fate. I felt that my path was determined solely on my own actions and the actions of others has not had much impact on how my path would unfold.
This view changed when my older brother, Don, died suddenly four years ago. To say that his death had a profound effect on our family would be an understatement. At the time of his death, he had no life insurance; He died on a Wednesday and when we were at the funeral home on Friday, we were greeted with the brutal realities that death has to offer.
This was the first of many lessons that would be served in the coming weeks, months and years. I isolate the financial impact of death, because it is much too personal to mention other effects just a circumstance like that. How can someone with a wife and three beautiful girls could not have a clean life insurance?
But then there's me ...
Actually, I could not stay in the judgment that I, too, was insufficiently prepared with only a long-term policy modest that I bought 12 years before and a group policy through my employer. It turns out that neither I nor my brother were anomalies, like the majority of Americans are either uninsured or underinsured.
The issue is so widespread that more Americans are uninsured / underinsured that had made adequate life insurance. It adds to the astronomical sum of $ 000000000000 gap. It is in circumstances like these that many life insurance policies are purchased: for those who see the devastation left after premature death. All passages are premature.
If only people who do not have life insurance or enough she could see the world through my lens.
In the months that followed the death of Don, I bought life insurance and felt better than I did. It was noted that life insurance buyers do not understand the value of their policy. In my case, I had a vivid and tangible reminder every time I looked at my wife and three children of my value would provide protection if I had to suffer a premature death. If only people who do not have life insurance or enough she could see the world through my lens, the lens following the death of my brother when the mortgage payment is due, the tax bill during and now college education for her two daughters.
I can not say with certainty what fate role plays in each of our lives, but I can tell you that my brother died on a beautiful day in September, which happens to be insurance -life awareness Month. I wish I could bring him back, but I know I can not. The only thing I can do is to ensure that no other family financially find themselves unprepared in the event of premature death, and I share my story.
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