What a living will is (and why you should care)
What a living will is (and why you should care) - Do you have a living will? Fewer than one in three Americans have a living will detailing if they want survival medical care if they are unable to communicate their medical treatment preferences, according to a new survey by FindLaw.com. This means that you could potentially leave legal problems for your family if they are unable to communicate your medical wishes.
A living will, also known as a directive or health care directive to physicians, is a document in which you can indicate your instructions in advance what medical treatment you want to receive in if you are unable to communicate those wishes because of an illness or disability to communicate. In certain conditions, allows doctors to refuse or withdraw life support systems. In the absence of a living will, medical decisions are usually made by a spouse, guardian, health officer or the majority of parents and children. But if family members disagree and doctors have trouble deciding on appropriate medical care, the issue may have to decided in court, and this could be a significant legal, family and financial problems.
"Without a living will, there is no clear direction for families and healthcare professionals to follow in terms of what types of care should be given or withheld in the event you become incapacitated or unable to communicate your medical treatment preferences, "says Stephanie Rahlfs, an attorney and editor with FindLaw.com." living wills and health care directives allow you to specify what treatments you want and that will take decisions when you are not able to. otherwise, misunderstandings and disagreements between the family and other caregivers can lead to delays in treatment or carrying out actions that are contrary to your wishes . things must be specified in advance by a living will. "
It is important to ensure that your life will be consistent with your state laws of residence. This is especially important when you have homes in several states.
It is also extremely important for your health care guardian (the person appointed proxy your health authority) to have copies of all these documents. Keep the original in a place where family members can find it easily. Depending on your state, you can sign multiple copies, each witnessed and certified, and give an original to the persons concerned, such as family members and family physicians. However, if you change your mind and revoke or change your living will, make sure you destroy all originals and copies.
These are important decisions to be taken with careful consideration and advice of your lawyer. If you do not have a living will and a medical power of attorney, please contact your advisor today. The cost of preparing these documents is nominal. The cost of not having these documents and need could be huge.
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