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Help Change Lives-

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Help Change Lives- -
Submit your storySummer, 22, was going to be a mom for the first time. Each month, she would go into the office of his insurance agent to pay the premium on his car insurance, and during one of these visits his agent, Christie Trahan, asked him to get a life insurance coverage as well . Summer said she thinks about it, because she was a student living on his own, making it a paycheck as a waitress.After asking over several months, Christie said she needed to ask was the last time: "Are you sure you do not want to buy the life insurance" for $ 12 month, Christie said that this policy was affordable, even for a working student and mom-to-be. Been agreed, saying she knew it was the right thing to do, even if his mother had advised him to wait.As you can see, a policy that costs only $ 12, a month can change lives, making the future better for a child or family, despite the tragedy of a parent dying.It is stories like these-realLIFEstories-that help us understand what insurance really not and why we need to take action now to get the cover of assurance that we have to protect our loved ones financially. That's why every year the demand LIFE Insurance Agents Foundation and advisers to submit stories of their own to realLIFEstories Customer Service of the LIFE Foundation Recognition Program, which demonstrate how insurance they helped a family set instead made a difference in a time of need.If you or your family have received life, disability and long term care insurance and would like to share your story with the American public, send this link along to your agent, because they will fill out the application: If you are an agent or advisor read this blog, click the link above and submit your history to the LIFE Foundation.The stories change lives-it was not the time to be a part of it?

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