Why everyone should have a directive Advance
Why everyone should have a directive Advance - What would happen if you have suffered a catastrophic medical event such as a stroke or an accident which leaves you incapable of communicate. How do you "have a say" about the type of care you receive or do not receive. The answer is an advance directive.
Every adult should plan ahead by completing an advance directive specifying his personal preferences regarding what is acceptable and unacceptable medical treatments. There are two types of advance directives:
A living will: This legal document states your preferences about the type of medical care you want to receive (or do not do) in different scenarios if you are incapacitated and can not communicate
medical power of attorney :. also known as a durable power of attorney for health care or health care proxy, a medical power of attorney to another person names, such as your spouse, daughter or son, to make medical decisions for you if you are not able to make medical decisions for yourself, or if you are unable to communicate your preferences. Note that a medical term is not the same as a proxy, which gives another person the authority to act on your behalf on matters you specify, such as managing your financial affairs.
Here are some important points to remember:
- Each state regulates advance directives differently. Consequently, you might want to involve a lawyer in preparing your advance directive
- You can change, update or cancel an advance directive at any time, in accordance with state law .
- If you spend much time in several states, you may want to have an advance directive for each state.
- Make sure that the person you appoint to act for you-your health care proxy has current copies of your advance directive.
- Give a copy of your advance directive to your physician and, if applicable, your establishment of long-term care.
Be sure to contact your agent or advisor for financial details.
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