Dedication to helping consumers make smart insurance decisions

Startling Stats disability (and they are tweetable)

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Startling Stats disability (and they are tweetable) -

People are much more likely to ensure the things they buy with their paycheck that the check itself. New car? Insurance check. New house? Insurance check. New boat? Insurance check. But few people wonder what would happen if the wage that pays for the car and the house and the boat suddenly disappeared because you were dismissed from work because of a disabling illness or accident. This is where the disability insurance comes in. It provides income until you are able to return to work and to win again this salary.

May is awareness of disability insurance Month, so help spread the word about disability and the importance of disability insurance. Here are some statistics and information that are "tweetable" which means you can share them by clicking on the fact that you want to tweet and the tweet will be generated for you. And make sure to follow us on Twitter at @LIFE_Foundation.

1-4 workers fight with $$$ immediately if they were disabled and could not work. #DIstat
(Source: The Disabled Persons Survey conducted by Kelton Reseach on behalf of the LIFE Foundation, April 2012)

only 31% of workers have long-term disability insurance to help if they can not work. #DIstat
(Source: LIMRA and LIFE "Insurance Barometer Study," 2012)

Can you live on $ 1111 ? This is the monthly average payment of disability social security #DIstat
(Source: social security Administration).

the disease causes 9/10 ALL disabled workers need disability insurance, regardless of employment #DIstat
(Source!.: Council for disability awareness, long-term disability claims review, 2010)

Many young adults worry about money, but the vast majority has no disability #DIstat
(Source: LearnVest / white guardian, life and disability insurance: IS 20 aND 30-somethings THINK, 2013).

35% of young adults have disability insurance, compared to 57% who have a life insurance. #DIstat
(Source: LearnVest / white guardian, life and disability insurance: IS 20 AND 30-somethings THINK, 2013)

1-4 from 20 years today will become disabled before retirement. Start defending your incomehttp: // #DIstat
( Administration of Social Security, the basic facts, February 7, 2013 )

Yikes 21% of young adults say they do not have disability insurance because their jobs are not physical. #DIstat
(Source: LearnVest / white guardian, life and disability insurance: IS 20 AND 30-somethings THINK, 2013)

pregnancy can be exciting, but it can be a handicap that interrupts your income. Protect yourself #DIstat

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