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10 reasons to consider life insurance (and when!)

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10 reasons to consider life insurance (and when!) -

We asked insurance professionals on our LinkedIn group and to share their best advice on 'life insurance and get coverage, and here are some of the great advice we got

1. Start young. Just because you do not have a family, mortgage and large financial obligations does not mean you have to wait for a life insurance coverage. Lock your rate while you are younger and healthier. You can always add more later in life. -Ivan I. Usero

2. A fundraising pasta for dinner after your departure will not be enough money to take care of your spouse and minor children. Do not let that be the legacy you leave with. -Suzanne Allison

3. Life insurance is like a parachute; if you do not the first time that you need, there is no second chance. -Luis A. Ortiz Haddock

The thought does not protect your family, do it!

4. Do not underestimate the "power save" your spouse stays at home! -Patrick O'Rourke

5. If you are a small business owner, who takes care of your family in case of death? It is not enough for you. -Sherrell Martin T.

6. Permanent life insurance is the best investment vehicle while you are alive or dead: tax free access to values cash accumulated in the policy while you are still alive and tax free death benefit product for your loved ones when the inevitable happens. Put your money where your "life" is! -Czarina C. Barit

7. Until you purchase, you are not covered. The thought does not protect your family, do it! Ed Rainier

8. It is better to have insurance and not need it than need and not have it. -Paul Arroyo

9. Buy when you're healthy, it's easier to get and cheaper. -Shannon Williams

10. Get as much as you can afford and as soon as you can. I prefer the zero age insurance. -Sean McCann

And, why not, an extra tip for good measrure!

11. It has been said, You buy life insurance because you will die, but because those you love will live. I 100% agree with this statement. Protect your loved ones should be priority No. 1. -Scott Raab

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