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Calling all moms (and dads) to the Life Insurance Movement

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Calling all moms (and dads) to the Life Insurance Movement -
When you find out you're having a baby, there are a million things you start think, to see your first picture of him on ultrasound, planning what color scheme you want for your room. What you do not think about life insurance. At least I do not have it.
But once the first shot in pregnancy wears off, you certainly start thinking about "the future." I quickly realized that I could not get life insurance coverage during pregnancy (Gulp!), But my husband certainly had its political square away.
Then this beautiful baby package came, and one of the first things I did (after sleep deprivation subsided enough that I could read a contract) was getting a policy.
Then life went on.
several years have passed and I learned how costly it is to raise a child and how it only gets more expensive as the years go on, not to mention the college in a distant future ( although it is difficult to think "campus and textbooks", while changing diapers). and then I had the opportunity to watch this video on Tracy Basden life lessons.

I had already seen. But as I looked again, now as a mother more experienced, I felt a hole in my stomach. I never, ever, ever, I wanted my son to go by something that remotely resembles the struggles that Tracy and her brother endured.
I do not think I will die prematurely, but how the hell do I know if this is true or just wishful thinking. the point is that I do not know. as soon as the video ended, I took the phone and called my agent. We put more life insurance in place. I wanted and want you ensure that if anything should happen to me, my husband could focus on increasing our son, who would be difficult without a wife and mother, without that being made infinitely more difficult with worries Financial. I want to assure you that my son has a bright future, whatever he chooses to do so.
When the invoice of my bonus comes, I write at this time and do it with joy, knowing that my coverage is there ... just in case.
and every time I talk to a parent-new or not so new that a procrastinating whether or not to buy a life insurance, Jenna, I send a link to the story of Tracy .
Today, the blogosphere celebrates the life insurance Movement. You can join by spreading the word through your blog, Facebook, Twitter, even picking up the phone. The more amazing prizes for those who it is simple to grasp. Check it out here. And more importantly, you can celebrate by getting life insurance coverage you need.

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