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When life Happened Insurance Was There

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When life Happened Insurance Was There -

There are almost exactly two years, "life happened" to me in a most sudden and dramatic way that I could not imagine possible. even now, looking back, I can not believe that the circumstances have suddenly collapsed around me at the same time, creating a perfect storm of emotional vulnerability, physical and financial, which threatened to pull me under for good .

The April 27, 2010, I received a horrible call at my office informing me that my teenage son Henry had suffered beatings and brutal drug overdose and that he had been taken to a hospital local in critical condition. for the next five weeks, I sat next to her bedside hospital bed and the day while trying to keep working.

My son passed away on May 31 2010, a little over a month after his admission to hospital. Three weeks after my eldest son died, I gave birth by emergency caesarean section to my youngest child, who arrived six weeks premature.

As primary wage earner in our family, and the person who provided health insurance through my job, my stress during this incredibly difficult and painful period has been exacerbated by a hundredfold my concern that this series of horrible events lead me to lose my position now where I worked at the time. Shortly after my son started his hospitalization, the company management has made clear to me that if they regretted the difficulties I faced in trying to juggle caring for my child and seriously injured my hard work, there were limits to the amount of time I could be off work without jeopardizing my job. And looking back, I'm sure the only thing that kept me go disappointment was my ability to take on short-term disability insurance policy that I had in place.

This short-term wasn disability policy 't much; it provided for approximately six weeks of paid leave in part. However, I am able to use some of my short-term disability leave during the late stage of my pregnancy when my son was in the hospital, and then five weeks of paid leave following birth early my daughter. True, I could have used a more robust disability policy at the time. I wanted and needed to take a lot more time to heal, but I shudder to think what would have happened to us financially if I had not had the small "gap" extra insurance in place.

Two years later, I still mourn the death of my son every day, and I miss him more than words can express. In his memory, I focused on the construction of non-profit organization, the Fund for Henry, my family launched to honor his legacy (also on Facebook). My youngest child, the baby born prematurely just weeks after his older brother died, is aged 22 months, and she's a toddler healthy happy and light in the life of our family following our terrible loss. (She is the youngest of the picture of my children in front of Henry's garden.) I also have a new job with a company that I love, and that was exceptionally good and compassionate as I slowly gotten back up to full speed on the job.

And you know what I have now? Life insurance and long term disability insurance. Since the first to write here on the blog of the LIFE Foundation about how my husband and I knew we had delayed this important part of financial planning for far too long, we started to take the first important steps towards the fully insured status, our goal. We do not always have as much assurance as I want us to have, but we are on track, and I did the piece handicap our portfolio a main objective of insurance coverage, because I do not know firsthand what it's like suddenly find yourself in a situation where you might have to choose between your own care and work that puts food on the table. I do, will never be in this position again.

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